CS 387 Database Design

  • Instructor: Prof. Sung-Hyuk Cha

  • CRN: 52329

  • Course URL: http://www.csis.pace.edu/~scha/CS387F03

  • Meeting:

  • Textbook: Silberschatz, Korth, and Sudarshan, Database System Concepts, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2001

  • Course Goals:
    This course provides an introduction to database concepts, data models, SQL, and database design. The major goal is to provide students with an understanding of the basic concepts underlying the design and use of a database system. A database management system will be used as a vehicle for illustrating some of the concepts discussed in the course.

  • Prerequisites:
    CS232 Computer Organization II and CS242 Data Structures and Algorithms II

  • Lecture Notes: can be accessed using the http://blackboard.pace.edu.
    Blackboard Login Procedures for Registered Students are available here

  • Project: consists of the design and implementation of a database application of your choice using either MicroSoft Access or MySQL. It is decomposed into 3 parts. In the first part, choose a non-trivial application (e.g., an enterprise involving companies, departments, employees, inventory etc.) and model it by stating the requirements and using an E-R diagram. The second part is the implementation of the relational model based upon the E-R diagram of the first part. The final part is the implementation of the application. This project is to be done in groups of 3. click here for details.
    Here is a sample project

  • Schedule:

    1 (9/4)Ch 1 Introduction
    2 (9/9)Ch 2 Entity-Relationship Model
    3 (9/11) Ch 3 Relational Algebra
    3 (9/16) Ch 3 Relational Algebra
    4 (9/18)Class cancelled...
    5 (9/23) Prj Part I due Ch 3 Tuple & Domain Relational Calculus
    6 (9/25) Ch 4 SQL
    7 (9/30) Ch 4 SQL, Unix & SQLplus
    8 (10/7) Ch 5 QBE
    9 (10/9) Ch 5 Datalog
    10 (10/14) Ch 6 Integrity and Security
    11 (10/16) Prj Part II due
    12 (10/21) Review
    13 (10/23) Midterm
    14 (10/28) Midterm Review and Perl
    15 (10/30) Ch 12 Indexing and Hashing
    16 (11/4)Class cancelled...
    17 (11/6)Class cancelled...
    18 (11/11) Ch 12 Indexing
    19 (11/13) Ch 15 Transactions
    20 (11/18) Ch 15 Transactions
    21 (11/20) Ch 22 Advanced Querying and Information Retrieval
    22 (11/25) Ch 7 Relational Database Design
    23 (11/27) Thanksgiving Break
    24 (12/2) Ch 7 Relational Database Design
    25 (12/4) Image Indexing and Retrieval
    26 (12/9) Prj Part III due
    27 (12/11) Review
    28 (12/16) Final Exam

  • Evaluation:
    • Quizzes (10%): There will be 11 10-minutes quizzes given throughout the semester. Topics will be those covered most recently. Your lowest score on the quizzes will be dropped.
    • Project (30%): 3 student group project. Presentation with demonstration is required.
    • Midterm Exam (30%):
    • Final Exam (30%):