CS 606 - Fundamental Computer Science II with Java

  • Instructor: Prof. Sung-Hyuk Cha
    • Email: scha@pace.edu
    • Tel: (212) 346-1253
    • Office: 163 William St. 2nd floor rm 234
    • Office Hours: Mon 1 - 3 pm and Thur 10am - 1 pm

  • CRN: 71461

  • Meeting:

  • Textbook:
    Frank Carrano, Data Structures and Abstractions with Java, 2/E, Prentice Hall, 2007

  • Course Goals:
    The goals of this course are to extend and deepen the student's knowledge and understanding of algorithms and data structures and the associated design and analysis techniques. We examine the basic data structures and investigate the fundamental algorthms to manipulate them.

  • Prerequisites: CS602

  • Lecture Notes: can be accessed using the http://blackboard.pace.edu.
    Blackboard Login Procedures for Registered Students are available here

  • Tentative Schedule:

    WeekTopic ChaptersMath
    1 (9/13) Introduction
    Ch 9 Efficiency of Algorithms
    Asymptotic notations
    2 (9/20) Ch 10 Recursion Induction
    3 (9/27) Ch 11~12 Sorting
    Ch 16 Searching
    4 (10/4) Divide and Conquer Master Theorem
    5 (10/11) OOP
    Ch 4~8 List & Iterators
    6 (10/18) Ch 21~24 Stack & Queues Prefix, Infix, Posfix notations
    7 (10/25) Midterm -
    8 (11/1) Ch 17~18 Dictionary
    Ch 19~20 Hashing
    Modular Arithmetic
    Prime number
    9 (11/8) Ch 25~27 Trees graph theory
    10 (11/15) Ch 28~29 Heaps and other Trees graph theory
    11 (11/22) Ch 30~31 Graphs graph theory
    12 (11/28) Ch 30~31 Graphs graph theory
    13 (12/6) Review-
    14 (12/13) Final Exam -
    15 (12/20) presentation -

  • Evaluation:
    • Quizzes (20%): There will be 10-minutes quizzes given at the beginning of most lecture classes. Topics will be those covered most recently. Your lowest score on the quizzes will be dropped.
    • Homeworks (30%): There will be weekly homework assignments.
    • Midterm Exam (25%):
    • Final Exam (25%):

  • Course Policies
    • All homeworks must be submitted at the beginning of the class. No late homework will be accepted.
    • No makeup for quizzes. One missed quiz is treated as the lowest score.