In this project you will implement a datamining application of your choice
using a classfication rule mining such as a decision tree (ID3) or
an association rule mining such as apriori algorithm.
The project consists of four parts. Each part has a separate due data.
1st part (due Feb 11th): main goal of your application -
you will submit a short proposal of datamining
application of your own choice.
2nd part (due Mar 8th):
Input - define the schema for your application and enter sample (at least 100) data.
3rd part (due Apr 8th):
Output and algorithm used - Run the data using either decision tree or apriori algorithm.
4th part (due May 3rd):
The final report on your application.
main goal of your application
algorithm used
state any extensions you could have done should more time and resources were available.
be prepared for the presentation slides.
You are allowed to change and to reconsider any previous part based on the review comments
and thus the later submission must include all
Your document will be reviewed by me and two other students anonymously.
After each deadline, you will receive two documents to review.