DCS 802 Datamining Project

Prof. Sung-Hyuk Cha
Fall 2004
Due: Dec 18


You will have two options: your own datamining application implementation or literature review.
  1. A datamining application implementation: In this project you will implement a datamining application of your choice using a classfication rule mining such as a decision tree (ID3), an association rule mining such as apriori algorithm, clustering, or others. Your presentation should consist of four parts.
    1. 1st part: main goal of your application application of your own choice.
    2. 2nd part: Input - define the schema for your application and enter sample (at least 100) data.
    3. 3rd part: Output and algorithm used - Run the data using either decision tree or apriori algorithm.
    4. 4th part: discussion and state any extensions you could have done should more time and resources were available.
    10~15 minute Powerpoint slide should be submitted and presented at the end of semester.

  2. Literature Review: You will choose three papers from the datamining research community. You will not only summarize and review each paper, but also will compare and contrast each paper with the others. Thus, the collection of papers must address a common theme, so that they can be adequately compared. If you are having difficulty choosing a set of papers, I will work with you to define a theme and select the papers. If your background is other fields, you may include up to two papers addressing your fields, but you must still relate these papers to the remaining paper. You must submit a written 5 page report at the end of the semester.

2005 year students' group projects

Team Student title
1 Roli Wendorf
Arthur Phidd
Adam Kuta
Robert Pottinger
Andre Darden
Cynthia Stroh
Life Time Value
2 Peter Morales
Abdoulaye Samb
Gokbora Uran
Kathleen Bravo
Todd Kolb
3 Bashir Ahmed
Steven Golikov
Melanie Johnson
Barbara Edington
Borming Chiang
4 Victoria Hanrahan
Ibrahim El-Dewak
Kenneth Brancik
Thomas Lombardi
Sheb Findik
Catasto Datamining

2004 year students' sample projects

Student title
Clara Chang BustBlocker Video Rental
Maheswara P. Kasinadhuni Datamining and Online Analytical Processing for Marketing Sales Problem
Karina Hernandez A Job Search Application using Data Mining Agent
David Ulmer Mining an Online Auctions Data Warehouse
P001 Parametric Regression Model in Data Mining
P002 Data Mining for the Institute for Community Living
P003 Data Mining for Academic Achievements
P005 Home Equity Loans Promotion
P006 Data mining on Survery data for the student Internet Access
P007 Data Mining for the Major League Baseball Players' Hit Performance
P008 Data Mining on WWW on-line Purchase via clustering and classification
P009 Mining the Data of an Offensive Coordinators Football Play Slections
P011 Data Mining for the Outpatient Clinics
P012 Datamining for Network Security
P013 Improved Web Mining Techniques