IS664 Database Programming

  • Instructor: Prof. Sung-Hyuk Cha

  • CRN: 83763

  • Course URL:

  • Meeting:
    • Time: M 6:00 pm - 8:45 pm
    • Place: Graduate Center GC430

  • Textbook: Philip J. Pratt, A Guide to SQL, Seventh Edition, ISBN: 0-619-21674-3 © 2005

  • Course Description:
    This course is an introduction to database programming. Concepts and techniques of data definition and data manipulation using SQL will be stressed. Students will design and implement a database in a relational database environment. Topics covered include creating database structure, populating the database, maintaining data, retrieving data, administering the database and optimizing queries.

  • Prerequisites:
    Graduate level IS 613 Minimum Grade of C and Graduate level IS 621 Minimum Grade of C

  • Lecture Notes: can be accessed using the
    Blackboard Login Procedures for Registered Students are available here

  • Schedule:

    1 (9/12)An Introduction to SQL & Unix
    2 (9/19)Single-Table Queries & HTML
    3 (9/26) Single-Table Queries & Perl
    4 (10/10) Multiple-Table Queries & Perl
    5 (10/17) Multiple-Table Queries & Prj Proposal due
    6 (10/24) Multiple-Table Queries
    7 (10/31) Midterm
    8 (11/7) Updating Data
    9 (11/14) Database Administration
    10 (11/21) Prj Part II due
    11 (11/28) Advanced Querying and Information Retrieval
    12 (12/5) Advanced Querying and Information Retrieval
    13 (12/12) Prj Presentation
    14 (12/19) Final Exam

  • Evaluation:
    • Homeworks (30%): There will be five homeworks.
    • Project (30%): You are required to implement a web-based database application.
    • Exams (40%): There will be two exams.