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CS 387

Database design


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  • Homework 1 PDF TEXT Part 1, 2 and 3- Due October 18 2001 - First ten minutes of the lecture. Be sure to explain all your work (Answers without work get no credit). See also the guidelines for assignements.
  • Homework 1 Solutions PDF TEXT Part 1 and 2.
  • Homework 2 PDF TEXT Due November 13th 2001 - First ten minutes of the lecture.
    You will work in a group of 2 people (2 people only - group of 3 or more are not allowed). You have to say to the professor who is in your group by Friday at 10 pm (Thursday in class or after by email) otherwise you will work alone.
    You will receive a grade over 20 for this homework.
    • 5 points will be given for your participation in the blackboard discussion forum (post your difficulties, answer the questions of other students, discuss the information given in the specification (useful for diagram, not useful, will be used for ... ...)...). The goal is an interaction between students.
    • 5 points will be given for your explanations (explain your choices and everyting you think is interesting - no more than 10 lines)
    • 10 points will be given for your diagram.

    Your submission must follow the guidelines for assignements and the rules given. Particular care must be given to electronic submissions. Homeworks that do not follow these rules will be penalized. Late homeworks will be penalized as indicated in the guidelines for assignements.
    Similar homeworks will receive the grade 0. The rules about cheating are stated in the syllabus and in the guidelines for assignements.
  • Homework 3 PDF TEXT Due November 27th 2001 - Personal work - First ten minutes of the lecture.
  • Homework 3 SolutionsPDF PS
  • Homework 4 PDF TEXT Due December 11th 2001 - Personal work.