Test Plan

Suggested Outline

High-Level Design of Tests

  1. Rationale of Tests
  2. Design of tests --- specific black box, glass box, or model checking analysis used to design specific tests
  3. Risk Evaluation and relation of tests to risks

Scripts or Programs for Tests

Detailed descriptions of inputs and expected outputs for all tests, including for each test the number of the specification it is testing.
  1. If test is performed through the GUI, description of what inputs to supply and what the system should do
  2. If test is performed with some scripting program, name of program, name of input file, and name of expected output file
    1. Contents of Input and Output Files
    2. Listing of Scripting Files

Plan for Carrying Out Tests

  1. Special scripting software or drivers that need to be created
  2. Special databases or other global data structures that need to be created
  3. Plan for manual testing

Plan for Bug Reporting and Fixing

  1. Bug Report Document

Configuration Control Methodology to be Used.