Diana Estrella Benitez
  • E-Portfolio
  • DB75923N@pace.edu

  • PHI 153-52967/ 3.00
  • CIS 101-50935-52296/ 3.00
  • ENG 101-41149/ 4.00
  • SPE 101-46594/ 2.00
  • MAT 104-46645/ 4.00
  • UNV 101-50595/ 1.00
    'Thinking Through Computing' Learning Community

    'Thinking Through Computing' is a learning computing that consists of two different classes which in my case are PHI 153 and CIS 101. In these classes both professors may be present. These courses are put together because they are connected in many ways. A way in which these courses are connected is that through CIS 101 we learn to make programs and web pages by using the logic that we learn in PHI 153. The symbols that we used to solve problems in logic class are the same symbols we use to make codes for such programs made in CIS class. Thus far we have made programs in Visual Basics and we have done various web pages.





    Manual to Truth Tables Project

    Proof Review

    Technology Essay

    Reflective log

    Powerpoint Presentation