WEEK TOPIC Chapter in Parsons & Oja 1 Using Computers: Essential Concepts 1 Computer Architecture 4 2 Email; The Internet & the Information Highway 6.4, 7 3 Software and Multimedia Applications 2 4 Computer Files & Data Storage 3 5 Managing the Data in Files and Databases 13 6 Local Area Networks 6 7 MID-TERM EXAMINATION AT LECTURE 8 Data Security Control 8 9 Data Representation 9 10 Communication Systems Infrastructure 10 11 Information Systems in Organizations 11 12 Developing Effective Information Systems 12 13 Computer Programming 14 14 Capstone Lecture Class NotesRECITATION SYLLABUS:
WK TOPIC READINGS IN LAB BOOK 1 Orientation on IBM-PCs Essential Windows Skills/ File Management Tutorials 1, 2 Email/ Netscape (Bring FORMATTED Disks) 3 Access (Data Base Management System) - TUTORIAL 1 (Electronic Mail and Bibliographic Retrieval Projects Due) 4 Access (DBMS) TUTORIAL 2 5 Access (DBMS) TUTORIAL 3 (Wordprocessing assignment due) 6 Access (DBMS) TUTORIAL 4 7 Access (DBMS) TUTORIAL 6 (Complete Case Problem 3, 1-14, p.A75-76) 8 Access (DBMS) TUTORIAL 5 (ACCESS assignment #1 due - Case Problem 3, 1-14, p.A107-108) 9 Excel (Spreadsheet) TUTORIAL 1 10 Excel (Spreadsheet) TUTORIAL 2 (ACCESS assignment #2 due - Case Problem 3, 1-13,.p.A158-159) Case Problem 3, 1-6, p.A239) 11 Excel (Spreadsheet) TUTORIAL 3 12 Excel (Spreadsheet) TUTORIAL 4 13 Excel (Spreadsheet) TUTORIAL 5 (EXCEL assignment #1 due - Case Problem 3, 1-12, p.EX125-126) 14 Excel (Spreadsheet) TUTORIAL 5(EXCEL assignment #2 due - Submit the appropriate graph using the tips on p.196 for worksheet created in Excel assignment #1. Explain the results depicted in the graph and the reason for your choice of graph in a memo to a Mrs. Ethel Mertz.)
The aim of the course is to expose students to the concepts and tools of information systems. A variety of topics will be covered including issues related to Hardware, Software, Data Communications, Databases, Systems Analysis and Design, and Ethical and Social Issues. The student will also be expected to learn the software tools, Excel and Access for Windows. There will also be exercises on using electronic mail and the Internet.
Course Grading Breakdown:
Exams (Midterm & Final) - 40%
Projects - 30%
Quizzes - 20%
Class Participation - 10%
The course outline is your contract for the term. You are responsible for reading it carefully, adhering to it and keeping it for reference for the duration of the course.
Lecture meetings will be conducted not as traditional lectures, but as discussion classes; we will sometimes break into smaller groups for more in-depth work. Besides the text material required for that week, you are required to have read the Science Times and Business Times sections of the previous Monday's and Tuesday's edition of the N.Y. Times. We will frequently find articles and advertisements that are relevant to our study of organizational computing. There may also be additional readings in the Reserve Room of the library.
There are two exams, a midterm and a final, regardless of how well the student is doing up to that point. These exams constitute approximately 40% of your grade. The exams will cover material in the text, recitation sessions, additional handouts, and any additional material we discuss in lecture. To ensure that students come to lectures prepared, there will also be several quizzes which will cover 20% of your grade. Absences at quizzes or exams will count as zero grades. THERE WILL BE NO MAKE-UPS FOR MISSED QUIZZES or EXAMS. Your lowest quiz mark will be dropped before your final grade is calculated.
The typical lab recitation will cover computing techniques which will help you complete the computer projects on your own, and give you greater insight in using information resources in your field of study. Projects will represent 30% of the total course grade. All written portions must be wordprocessed or they will not be accepted. You will also be required to demonstrate your proficiency in Excel and Access, in the respective last lab sessions, as part of your exam grade.
The Computer lab is situated on the 6th floor of the Site A building, the Baruch Computer Technology Center (BCTC) Microlab. They have PC-compatible desktop computers for your use. You must present your VALIDATED ID in order to use a machine in the BCTC. Also, sometimes there is a waiting list for getting to use a machine, so I suggest you always bring something with which to occupy yourself in case you must wait.
Many of you may have access to PC-compatible microcomputers at work or with friends. You are by all means encouraged to use them instead of the BCTC Microlab, as long as you have access to the correct software. If you are not sure whether the software is appropriate, or whether the micro is compatible, check with me.
I am occasionally difficult to reach at my office phone, so if you need to see me, leave a message with the department secretary, and I will call you back to arrange a mutually convenient meeting time. Please remember, however, that I may not get the message on the same day that you call, so be patient. Electronic Mail is the quickest, most reliable way to reach me.
Deadlines for each assignment are listed on the RECITATION schedule. If I have not returned your project within two weeks, please bring it to my attention ASAP. Also, please save your projects until you have your final semester grade report. You are also advised to make and keep a copy of any assignments or diskettes before they are handed in. Bear in mind that each instructor is dealing, not with only one student, but in some cases, with as many as 120 or more.
These rules may seem extreme, but please remember that this is a business school, and it is not unreasonable for us to expect you to submit projects in a professional, business-like manner at all times. If you are not in the habit of applying such standards to your own work, you will be by the end of this semester.
Do not under any circumstances make illegal copies of software from work or friends. This leads to computer viruses which potentially damages your work, other student's work, as well as the equipment in the BCTC lab. You will be restricted from the lab if you bring in viruses.
You MUST bring two FORMATTED, double-sided, high-density floppy diskette to the lab on the SECOND week. YOU MUST FORMAT THE DISK YOURSELF. or buy them pre-formatted. To format the diskettes:
You will be forming groups in which you will be responsible for researching a topic on the internet and using library resources and the newspapers. You will be required to hand in a wordprocessed document on your findings, explaining your choices, and to make a 10 minute oral presentation to the class. Group projects will be assigned from the following:
Group 1 - P.2-42, no.4, Part B Group 2 - P.7-32, no. 6 Group 3 P.7-33, no. 7 Group 4 - P.3-38, no. 9 Group 5 - P.4-36, no.6 Group 6 - P.4-36, no.8 Group 7 - P.5-32, no.3 Group 8 - P.5-33, no.8 Group 9 - P.5-33, no.9 Group 10 - P.8-33, no.7 Group 11 - P.8-33, no.4 Group 12 - P.9-27, no.5 Group 13 - P.10-30, no.2 Group 14 - P.10-30, no.10 Group 15 - P.11-27, no.7 Group 16 - P.11-27, no.8 Group 17 - P.12-25, no.1 Group 18 - P.12-25, no.2 Group 19 - P.12-25, no.5 Group 20 P.13-38, no.2
You are to submit a brief (750+ words) essay on one of the following topics:
Some suggestions:
For this assignment, you are to go to the Newman Library at Baruch and use the CUNY+ system to locate books concerning some specific topics (You can do this through any CUNY library that's connected to CUNY+, not just Baruch). You do not have to take out the books, or read them; simply print out the listing which CUNY+ gives you of books that meet your criteria. Then retrieve the individual record of any book on that listing, and print out that individual listing. Write your name and section at the top of the first sheet, and submit the two listings. Submit only one page of the listing, and the one page with the specific book reference.
In order to get some variety in the searches, use the LAST digit of your social security number to find which of the combined topics below you should search for:
LAST DIGIT IS: YOUR SEARCH TOPICS ARE: 0 Health Care and Computers 1 Auditing and Computers 2 Marketing and Computers 3 Finance and Computers 4 Manufacturing and Computers 5 Music and Computers 6 Art and Computers 7 Law Enforcement and Computers 8 Engineering and Computers 9 Ethics and Computers
You are to simply send a message to a friend via Baruch's E-Mail system. Please keep the message brief, but include your name, section, and social security number. You should then print out the reply, and turn that in to me.
You will have to go to the BCTC in the Site A building to do this exercise, but if you were at the lab in which we covered this topic, it should take you only a few minutes.
My E-Mail Address is : NIFBB
where : NIF = my VM ID
BB = Bernard Baruch
Your email accounts will be available on the bulletin board inside the main computer lab, on the left as you go through the turnstiles on the 6th Floor of the BCTC. They are listed according to your Social Security Number.
PLEASE NOTE - Student accounts keep unread messages for only 5 days! Please check your mail within a few days of sending me a message, or my response may be erased from your mailbox!