IS 416
Dr. J. Thomas Office: 163 William, 2nd Floor, Rm. 219 Tel: (212) 346-1569 Off.Hrs: Mon./Wed. 3:30-6:00pm Email: Blackboard: URL: Student Login Instructions: Text Book: e-Business and Distributed Systems Handbook, Amjad Umar, NGE Solutions, Inc. 2004 Overview Module, Middleware Module, Architectures Module, Platforms Module Reference Texts: Orfali, Robert, Harkey, Dan and Edwards, Jeri, Client/ Server Survival Guide, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1999 Understanding Networked Multimedia, Francois Fluckiger, Prentice Hall, 1995. Prerequisite: IS 351; Corequisite: IS 481 Course Objectives: To enable the student to identify, analyze and resolve issues that will be encountered in the process of designing multi-user information systems. Problem solving and troubleshooting will be developed through project development. Critical thinking skills will be developed through critical analyses of application designs. Creativity will be developed through idea generation and project solutions. Communication skills will be developed through written and oral presentations. Research skills will be developed through Internet and other on- and offline search mechanisms. Grading: Weekly cases, Analyses, Question Generation and Question Handling, on- and offline - 70% Online research and discussions using Blackboard and the Internet - 30% Format: The course uses a case-based, problem-solving discovery learning approach. As such, the textbook, Internet, and other resources are to be used in understanding the concepts. These are then to be applied to the analysis of the cases, which will be conducted as part of a team. Teams will be required to debate their respective solutions with other teams and well as to work across teams in developing solutions.
IS 416 - Homework Come to first class having read: 1) the Overview Module and Part 1 of the Middleware Module; 2) the case in Part 1 of the Middleware Module, page 1-3. We will be working on the case on page1-3 of Part 1 of the Middleware Module during class. You will be working in teams to derive solutions to the case so you must come prepared, having read the material before hand. You will not be able to participate if you have not read the material. Each person is responsible for the success of the team and team members will be asked to evaluate each other. |