Navarro Family History

I am the niece of Theodore "Fats" Navarro, Jr. Uncle Fats' father was Theodore Navarro, Sr. He was born 12/18/1901 and died 12/1957. Theodore Navarro, Sr. was the son of Agustin Navarro and Catherine Shavers, which explains the connection between my uncle Fats and trumpet great Charlie Shavers. Fats' mother, Miriam Williams, was Theodore, Sr's. second wife.

Members of my family still live in Fats' childhood home in Key West, Florida. I have always been afraid of the house, primarily because I have to sleep in Fats' old room. I recently found out that it was his old room, and maybe that accounts for the pervasive eerie feelings I experience. One member of the family, who is a painter, swears that he gains inspiration in "that room." My grandmother told me that she was recently visited by a Shavers cousin, who said people used to line up on the sidewalk to hear Fats blow the horn in "that room." In 1995 a man from Miami approached my aunt about naming a street in Miami after Fats. People continue to approach the old family home and inquire about Fats' history!

Although Fats never liked Key West, it loves him.

Danielle Navarro-Roberts
Niece of Theodore "Fats" Navarro
San Antonio, Texas

We gratefully acknowledge Mrs. Navarro-Roberts' generous contribution of this little known Navarro family information.