// Computer Science Example
// Reading from a file into an array of objects
import java.io.*;

// An application with a class that reads information about people from a file and displays it.
public class People
     public static void main (String [] args)
          ListClass people = new ListClass ();
          people.readList ();
          people.displayList ();
          people.displayOldest ();
     } // main method
} // class People

class ListClass
     private Person [] list;
     private int listSize;
     final int maxSize = 10;

     ListClass ()
          list = new Person [maxSize];
          listSize = 0;
     } // constructor

     public void readList ()
               BufferedReader infile = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (new FileInputStream ("infile.txt")));
               String name = infile.readLine ();
               while ((name != null) && (listSize < maxSize))
                    Person person = new Person (name);
                    person.readData (infile);
                    list [listSize] = person;
                    listSize ++;
                    name = infile.readLine ();
               infile.close ();
          }catch (IOException e) {System.out.println ("File Error.");}
          catch (NumberFormatException e) {System.out.println ("Number Error.");}
     } // method readList

     public void displayList ()
          for (int count = 0; count < listSize; count ++)
               list [count].displayData ();
     } // method displayList

    public void displayOldest ()
        int oldest = list [0].getAge ();
        int locationOldest = 0;
        for (int count = 1; count < listSize; count ++)
            if (list [count].getAge () > oldest)
                oldest = list [count].getAge ();
                locationOldest = count;
        list [locationOldest].displayData ();
    } // method displayOldest
} // class ListClass

// Class that stores information about a person's name and age.
class Person
     private String name;
     private int age;

     Person (String name) { this.name = name; } // constructor

     public int getAge () {return age;}

     // A method to read data from a file.  It uses a buffered reader.
     public void readData (BufferedReader infile) throws IOException
          age = Integer.parseInt (infile.readLine ());
     } // method readData

     public void displayData ()
          System.out.println (name + "'s age is " + age);
     } // method displayData
} // class Person