Computer Science Example
Insurance Policies

/* InsurancePolicies illustrates inheritance and polymorphism in Java.
 When data for a policy is read, it is stored in the proper class for that policy.
 And when it is displayed, the correct data will be used.

import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.sql.*;

public class PolicyFrame extends Frame
     private Panel panel;
     private Label areaLabel;
     private TextArea area;
     private Button displayCar, displayLife;
     private Policies policies;
     private Connection con;
     public PolicyFrame ()
          super ("Frame");
          setSize (300, 300);
          // Add a window closer to the frame.
          addWindowListener (new WindowAdapter()
               {public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {System.exit(0);}});
          // Get a new panel and set its background color.
          panel = new Panel ();
          panel.setBackground (Color.cyan);
          // Get a text area and add it to the panel.
          areaLabel = new Label ("Library Books");
          area = new TextArea (10, 30);
          // Get a new button and add an action listener to it.
          displayCar = new Button ("Display Car Policies");
          displayCar.addActionListener (new DisplayCarListener ());
          // Get a new button and add an action listener to it.
          displayLife = new Button ("Display Life Policies");
          displayLife.addActionListener (new DisplayLifeListener ());
          panel.add (areaLabel); panel.add (area);
          panel.add (displayCar); panel.add (displayLife);
          add (panel);
               Class.forName ("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver");
               con = DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc:odbc:insurance");
               policies = new Policies ();
          } catch (ClassNotFoundException e){System.out.println ("Database connection exception.");}
            catch (SQLException e) {System.out.println ("SQL Exception");}
     } // constructor

     // An inner class that displays the library data when the button is clicked.
     class DisplayCarListener implements ActionListener
          public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
                    // Display the data on the text area.
                    policies.displayCarPolicies (con, area);
               } catch (SQLException ex) {System.out.println ("SQL Exception");}
          } // actionPerformed
     } // DisplayCarListener

      // An inner class that displays the library data when the button is clicked.
     class DisplayLifeListener implements ActionListener
          public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
                    // Display the data on the text area.
                    policies.displayLifePolicies (con, area);
               } catch (SQLException ex) {System.out.println ("SQL Exception");}
          } // actionPerformed
     } // DisplayLifeListener
     // The main method gets a new frame and shows it.
     public static void main (String [] args)
          PolicyFrame frame = new PolicyFrame ();
          frame.setVisible (true);
} // class PolicyFrame

class Policies
     CarPolicy carPolicy;
     LifePolicy lifePolicy;
     public void displayCarPolicies (Connection con, TextArea area) throws SQLException
          // Create a statement and query and display the car policy data.
          Statement stmt = con.createStatement ();
          String query = "Select * From CarInsurance";
          ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery (query);
          while ( ())
               carPolicy = new CarPolicy ();
               carPolicy.readPolicy (rs);
               carPolicy.displayPolicy (area);
     } // displayCarPolicies
     public void displayLifePolicies (Connection con, TextArea area) throws SQLException
          // Create a statement and query and display the life policy data.
          Statement stmt = con.createStatement ();
          String query = "Select * From LifeInsurance";
          ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery (query);
          while ( ())
               lifePolicy = new LifePolicy ();
               lifePolicy.readPolicy (rs);
               lifePolicy.displayPolicy (area);
     } // displayLifePolicies
} // Policies

// Policy is a super class that contains the data common to the two types of policies.
class Policy
     protected String id, owner;
     public void readPolicy (ResultSet rs) throws SQLException
          id = rs.getString ("Id");
          owner = rs.getString ("Owner");
     } // method readPolicy
     public void displayPolicy (TextArea area)
          area.append ("The owner is " + owner + '\n');
          area.append ("The ID is " + id + '\n');
     } // method displayPolicy
} // class Policy

// CarPolicy extends Policy and adds data of its own that describes a car.
class CarPolicy extends Policy
     private String make, model;
     private int year;
     public void readPolicy (ResultSet rs) throws SQLException
          super.readPolicy (rs);
          make = rs.getString ("Make");
          model = rs.getString ("Model");
          year = rs.getInt ("Year");
     } // method readPolicy
     public void displayPolicy (TextArea area)
          super.displayPolicy (area);
          area.append ("The make of the car is " + make + '\n');
          area.append ("The model of the car is " + model + '\n');
          area.append ("The year is " + year + "\n\n");
     } // method displayPolicy
} // class CarPolicy

// LifePolicy extends Policy and adds data needed for a life insurance policy.
class LifePolicy extends Policy
     private String beneficiary;
     private double policyValue;
     public void readPolicy (ResultSet rs) throws SQLException
          super.readPolicy (rs);
          beneficiary = rs.getString ("Beneficiary");
          policyValue = rs.getDouble ("PolicyValue");
     } // method readPolicy
     public void displayPolicy (TextArea area)
          super.displayPolicy (area);
          area.append ("The beneficiary is " + beneficiary + '\n');
          area.append ("The policy value is " + policyValue + "\n\n");
     } // method displayPolicy
} // class LifePolicy