import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.event.*;
/* Class that creates three scroll bars. Each controls a different
color (red, green, or blue). These are mixed together and displayed
on a canvas. */
public class CheckColors extends Applet
private TextField colorValues = new TextField
private Scrollbar red, green, blue;
private Label redLabel, greenLabel, blueLabel;
private Canvas canvas = new Canvas ();
private Panel southPanel = new Panel ();
private int r, g, b;
public void init ()
red = new Scrollbar (Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL,
0, 1, 0, 255);
redLabel = new Label ("Red",
(new ScrollbarListener (0));
green = new Scrollbar (Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL,
0, 1, 0, 255);
greenLabel = new Label ("Green",
(new ScrollbarListener (1));
blue = new Scrollbar (Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL,
0, 1, 0, 255);
blueLabel = new Label ("Blue",
(new ScrollbarListener (2));
setLayout (new BorderLayout
canvas.setBackground (Color.cyan);
add (canvas, "Center");
southPanel.setLayout (new GridLayout (3, 2, 10, 10));
southPanel.add (redLabel);
southPanel.add (red);
southPanel.add (greenLabel);
southPanel.add (green);
southPanel.add (blueLabel);
southPanel.add (blue);
add (colorValues, "North");
add (southPanel, "South");
r = 0; g = 0; b = 0;
} // method init
// Inner class that is used to determine the
values of the scroll bars.
class ScrollbarListener implements AdjustmentListener
Color color;
int colorValue,
public ScrollbarListener
(int colorBar)
this.colorBar = colorBar;
} // constructor
public void adjustmentValueChanged
(AdjustmentEvent event)
colorValue = event.getValue ();
switch (colorBar)
case 0: r = colorValue; break;
case 1: g = colorValue; break;
case 2: b = colorValue; break;
} // switch
color = new Color (r, g, b);
canvas.setBackground (color);
colorValues.setText ("red = " + r + "green = "+ g +"blue = "+ b);
} // class ScrollbarListener
} // class CheckColors