Computer Science 122
Assignment 7
Due: April 4, 2002

This time add two buttons to your applet, one to read the data from the file into the linked list, and the other to display the data in the TextArea.  When your applet opens, the TextArea should be there, but empty.  When the read button is clicked, the data will be read in.  Then when the display button is clicked, it will be displayed in the TextArea.  See the example below.

import java.text.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.event.*;

/* This applet displays a TextArea and two buttons.  When the first button is clicked, the order data is read in from a file.  When the second one is clicked, the data in the list is displayed in the TextArea. */

public class OrderButtons extends Applet
     private Panel panel;
     private TextArea area;
     private OrderList list;
     private Button read, display;
     public void init ()
          panel = new Panel ();
          panel.setBackground (Color.cyan);
          read = new Button ("Read Orders");
          read.addActionListener (new ReadListener ());
          panel.add (read);

          display = new Button ("Display Order");
          display.addActionListener (new DisplayListener ());
          panel.add (display);

          area = new TextArea (10, 30);
          panel.add (area);

          add (panel);
          list = new OrderList ();
     } // method init
     // An inner class that listens for the clicking of the read button.
    class ReadListener implements ActionListener
          public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {list.readOrders ();}
     } // class ReadListener
     // An inner class that listens for the clicking of the display button.
    class DisplayListener implements ActionListener
          public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
               list.displayOrders (area);
               list.displayTotalCost (area);
     } // class DisplayListener
} // class OrderButtons

class OrderList
     // This class is the same as the example used in assignment 6.
} // class OrderList

class Order
     // This class is also the same as in assignment 6.
} // class Order