package list;

/* ListInterface defines the public methods for accessing a linked list. */
public interface ListInterface
     public boolean listIsEmpty ();
     public void insertInList (Node newNode);
     public void outputList (PrintStream outfile);
     public Node deleteFromList (String keyId);
     public Node  findNode (String keyId);
}// interface ListInterface

package list;

/* Node defines a node with two fields, one for an id and the other for a reference to the next node in the list. */


public class Node
     private String id;
     private Node  next;

     public Node (String id)
 = id;
          next = null;
     } // constructor
     protected Node getNext () { return next;}
     protected void setNext (Node next) { = next; }
     protected String getId () { return id; }
     protected void setId (String id) { = id;}
     public void displayNode (PrintStream outfile) { outfile.println ("ID: " + id);}
} //  class Node

package list;

/* These classes implement a linked list.  The class, Node, defines the data for the nodes in the linked list. The class, ListClass, contains methods and data for implementing the linked list. */

public class ListClass implements ListInterface
     private Node listHead; // Head of the list.

     // Constructor for the class.
     public ListClass () { listHead = null;}

     private Node getListHead () { return listHead;}
     // Returns true if the list is empty, false otherwise.
     public boolean listIsEmpty ()
          if (listHead == null) return true;
          else  return false;
     } // method listIsEmpty

     // Inserts a new id into the list in order.
     public void insertInList (Node newNode)
          Node  current,  previous;
          newNode.setNext (null);

          if (listHead == null)  // The list is empty.
              listHead = newNode;
          else // The list is not empty.
               current = listHead;
               previous = listHead;
               // Find the location (between previous and current) to insert the new node.
               while ((current != null) && (current.getId ().compareTo (newNode.getId ()) < 0))
                    previous = current;
                    current = current.getNext ();
               if (current == listHead) // The new node is inserted at the front of the list.
                    newNode.setNext (listHead);
                    listHead = newNode;
               else // The new node goes either in the middle or at the end of the list.
                    previous.setNext (newNode);
                    newNode.setNext (current);
     } // method insertInList

     // Display the list on the screen.
     public void outputList (PrintStream outfile)
          Node  tempNode = listHead;
          while (tempNode != null)
               tempNode.displayNode (outfile);
               tempNode = tempNode.getNext ();
          outfile.println ();
     } // method displayList

     /* Remove a node from the list. If the list is empty or the id is not found, return null, otherwise remove the node from the list     and return it to the method that called it. */
     public Node deleteFromList (String keyId)
          Node  previous,  current, tempNode;
          boolean found = false;
          if (listHead == null) // The list is empty.
               System.out.println ("Error - attempt to delete from an empty list.");
               return null;
          else // The list is not empty.
               current = listHead;
               previous = listHead;
             /* Find the id in the list, if it is there.  Keep a pointer,  previous, to the node in the list immediately preceding the one where the id is found. */
           while (!found && (current != null))
                if (current.getId ().equals (keyId)) // The id is found at the node pointed to by current.
                     found = true;
                else // The id has not yet been found.
                     previous = current;
                     current = current.getNext ();
               if (!found)
                    System.out.println ("Error - not in the list" );
                    return null;
                 /* The id was found at current with previous pointing to the node immediately preceding current. */
                    if (current == listHead) // The id was found at the front of the list.
                         listHead = listHead.getNext ();
                    else // The id was found after the first node.
                         previous.setNext (current.getNext ());
                    return current;
     } // method deleteFromList

     /* This returns a pointer to the node containing the keyId.  If  keyId is not in the list, it returns null. */
     public Node  findNode (String keyId)
          Node  tempNode = listHead;
          boolean found = false;
          while (!found && (tempNode != null))
               if (tempNode.getId ().equals (keyId)) // The id was found at tempNode.
                    found = true;
               else // The id has not yet been found, move tempNode on to the next node.
                    tempNode = tempNode.getNext ();
              if (!found)
                   System.out.println ("Error - the id was not found in the list." );
                   return null;
              else return tempNode;
         } // method findNode
    } // class ListClass

/* This class reads data from a file and stores it in a linked list.  It then displays the data on the screen, finds an ID, deletes a node, and then stores the data in a second file. */

import list.ListClass;
import list.Node;

public class TestList
     public static void main (String [] args)
          ListManager manager = new ListManager ();
          manager.fillList ();
          manager.displayList ();
          manager.findNode ();
          manager.deleteNode ();
          manager.storeList ();
} // class TestList

class ListManager
     private Node listHead;
     private ListClass nodeList;
     private int numberOfNodes;
     ListManager ()
          nodeList = new ListClass ();
          listHead = null;
          numberOfNodes = 0;
     } // constructor
     // Method to read data from a file into the list.
     public void fillList ()
               BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (;
               System.out.print ("File Name: ");
               String fileName = stdin.readLine ();
               BufferedReader infile = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (new FileInputStream (fileName)));
               Node nextNode;
               String id = infile.readLine ();
               while (id != null)
                    nextNode = new Node (id);
                    nodeList.insertInList (nextNode);
                    numberOfNodes ++;
                    id = infile.readLine ();
               } // while
               infile.close ();
          } catch (IOException e) {System.out.println ("File not found");}
     } // method fillList
     // Method to display the entire list.
     public void displayList ()
          nodeList.outputList (System.out);
     } // method displayList
     public void findNode ()
               BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (;
               System.out.print ("ID to Find: ");
               String id = stdin.readLine ();
               Node foundNode = nodeList.findNode (id);
               if (foundNode == null)
                    System.out.println ("ID not found.");
                    foundNode.displayNode (System.out);
          } catch (IOException e) {}
     } // method findNode
     public void deleteNode ()
               BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (;
               System.out.print ("ID to Remove: ");
               String id = stdin.readLine ();
               Node deleted = nodeList.deleteFromList (id);
               if (deleted != null)
                    deleted.displayNode (System.out);
              System.out.println ("ID not in list.");
          } catch (IOException e) {}
     } // method deleteNode

     public void storeList ()
               BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (;
               System.out.print ("Output File Name: ");
               String outFileName = stdin.readLine ();
               PrintStream outfile = new PrintStream  (new FileOutputStream (outFileName));
               nodeList.outputList (outfile);
               outfile.close ();
          } catch (IOException e) {System.out.println ("File name not given.");}
     } // method storeList
} // class ListManager