Computer Science 241

Assignment 1

Due: September 23, 2002


Create an html page that uses Javascript to display your name, e-mail address and native language.  Also display an image.  The image can be a picture of yourself, your family, or something interesting from the Internet.  If you were not born in New York City, you might include a picture of your home city or country.  Most countries and many cities have web sites with pictures and local information. 


You are not limited to a single page or the information listed above.  However, you must use Javascript on your page and it must have your name and e-mail address.  Information about both html and Javascript can be found in a document on my web site called Javascript and HTML.  You can download it from the Documents folder on the web site.  It is available both as a Word document and in a pdf file.  The latter can be viewed using Adobe Acrobat.  Copies of the first 10 pages will be available in class.


You can create web pages using many different design programs.  The one that is described in the document is called 1 st Page 2000.   It is free for download from  Details about installing and using it can be found in the document mentioned above.  You can also use Notepad, Kawa, or JCreator.  They all save files in ascii, which is necessary for web pages.  For this assignment, you are not to use other web design programs such as Microsoft Word, Frontpage, DreamWeaver, of JBuilder.  For this assignment, you are to insert all the html tags yourself.


Hand in a disk with your web page and image files on it along with a printout of the html page.  Make sure that your disk is labeled with your name and that the html page includes your name in a comment at the beginning as well as in the Javascript.  Comment tags in html begin with <! and end with >.


You should do this assignment by yourself, but you may get help from anyone in your group.  You should not consult class members in other groups, but you may e-mail me with any questions.  Let me know if the document is not sufficiently explanatory so that I can revise it.  In addition, there should be tutors in room 201 at 161/163 William Street starting sometime after the first week of classes.


The following is a sample html page using Javascript to display text and an image. 


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">



<head>    <title>Javascript example that displays text and an image.</title>




<script language="Javascript">


document.write ("<h3>Alice Lee -</h3>");

document.write ("<img src='brook.jpg'>");

document.write ("<h3>A picture of a brook in the mountains.</h3>");







The web page above will look like the following when displayed in a browser.