Modify assignment 1 so that instead of reading in information about yourself, it reads in data for one of the library objects that we have been working on. Select either a Book, Video, Periodical, Borrower, or Publisher. If your group was not one of those listed, talk with the group that has been developing the object that you chose and get suggestions for the names and types of the fields from them. For now, treat the Date field as a String.
Instead of displaying the information on an applet, use a window frame. Make sure that you separate the model from the view. That means that the frame class handles the view while the object class has the code for the model. Refer to the TestFilesFrames example that was handed out in class last week. It is also listed on the class web site. On it, the class describing the model is called Person. The Frame class is called FileFrame.
Make sure that you have comments in your program describing each of the classes and methods. Check the grammar and spelling in the comments. Also see that they accurately describe the current methods and classes and not ones used in previous programs. Again, each program should begin with a comment containing your name, the class and the date.
Hand in a printout of your program and a disk with the .java and .class
files. Make sure that the disk is labeled with your name and class.
I have extra labels if you need one.