For this assignment, you are to create a file of objects and read it into an array. You should use the object (book, video, periodical, borrower, or publisher) that you had for assignment 2. The array should have at least 5 objects in it. After reading the data in, your program should display the objects one at a time in the window that you created for the previous assignment.
The window now should have at least two buttons. The first button will read in the array and display the first object in the window. The second button when clicked should display the next object in the array. When all objects in the array have been displayed, the next button should display a message saying that everything has been shown. You might also want a reset button that would start the display over again at the beginning of the array.
You will probably want to have several panels, one for the object and another for the buttons. However, you may set it up any way that you find most convenient. However, the action listeners for the buttons should be contained in inner classes. See the example, Temperature Conversion Example, on my website. It shows how to use an inner class for an action listener. You should have separate inner classes for each listener.
Your descriptive comments should be more extensive than before. Explain carefully how you are setting up the window and what the fields of the object are for. Also document each listener and what it is supposed to do. Be careful of your grammar and spelling in the comments.
Hand in a printout of all the files in your program and a disk containing
the .java, .class and.txt files.