HTML Forms


HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is used to create web pages that can be viewed with a browser.  There are a number of things you can do with it, including changing the color of the page, adding Javascript, Java applets, or VB Script, and arranging information in lists and tables.  In this document we will see how to add html forms to the page that can be used to send information to the server.


A markup language contains text formatting information that tells the printer or browser how to display the data.  Html encodes this information in tags that are started with a left angle bracket (<) and closed with a right angle bracket (>).  Anything between the tags is treated by the browser as formatting instructions.  Tags come in pairs, one for starting the formatting and the second for ending it.  They are nested so that one pair of tags is completely between another.


The simplest tags are used to create headers whose sizes range from large (h1) to small (h6).  For example, <h3>This is a medium sized header.</h3> creates a header with a size part way between the largest and the smallest.


Forms in html begin with the <form> tag and end with the </form> closing tag.  These forms are to be filled out by the user of the browser, and they do everything from sending in address information to helping a buyer choose the size or color of a product.


Text Boxes and Buttons


A simple form displays some input boxes and a button to submit the data to the server.  The example below shows a complete html page that creates a form to send the name and e-mail address to the server. 


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">


       <head><title>E-Mail Form</title></head>


               <h3>Enter your name and e-mail address.

               <br />Then click the Send button to send the data to the server.</h3>

               <form method = "get" action="">

                      <p><input type = "text" name = "name" value = "" size = 30 /> Name </p>

                      <p><input type = "text" name = "email" value = "" size = 30 /> E-Mail Address </p>

                      <p><input type = "submit" value = "Send" /></p>





Here the head tags only supply a title that will be shown at the top of the browser when the page is loaded.  The body of the document contains a message to the user to enter data and click on the send button.  The form first supplies the method that the server will use to process the data and the action information that tells the server what program to use for the processing.  The form displays to input text boxes and a submit button.  The type information is used to tell the browser what kind of object to display.  A text box displays a box where the user can type in data.  Its initial value is the empty string.  But after data is entered, the value of the box will be whatever was typed in.  When the type is submit, the browser displays a button with a caption given by the value attribute.
















A Java program that processes this request follows:


package client_server;



 * EmailProcessor processes a request from a web page.  It responds to the

 * request by sending back a web page listing the name and email address.



import java.util.*;



public class EmailProcessor extends WebRequestProcessor


       String name, email;

       PrintWriter out;

       public void process (Request request, Response response)


               // Get a PrintWriter object and respond to the request.

               out = response.getWriter ();

               name = request.getParameter ("name");      

               email = request.getParameter ("email");


               Page.createHeader (out, "Addresses");

               out.println ("<h3>Hello.</h3>");    

               out.println ("<h3>" + name+ "</h3>");

               out.println ("<h3>Your email address is " + email + "</h3>");

               Page.createFooter (out);                            


} // EmailProcessor


Radio Buttons


Another way to get information from a form is to use radio buttons.  A set of radio buttons lets the user choose one option from a set.  The example below asks a user to indicate his or her year in college.


<body> <h3>Display your year in college.</h3>
<form method = "get" action="">
         <input type="radio" name = "year" value = "First Year" /> Credits 0 to 31

         <br /><input type = "radio" name = "year" value = "Second Year" /> Credits 32 to 63

         <br /><input type = "radio" name = "year" value = "Third Year" /> Credits 64 to 95

         <br /><input type = "radio" name= "year" value = "Fourth Year" /> Credits 96 or over

         <p><input type = "submit" value = "Send" ></p>
</form> </body>


Note the URL string that the browser prepares for this form:

       GET/ client_server.CollegeYearProcessor?year=Fourth+Year HTTP/1.1

Only one value is sent to the server.


Text Box:














A Java program that processes this request follows:


package client_server;



 * CollegeYearProcessor processes a request from a web page.  It responds to the

 * request by sending back a web page listing the student's year in college.



import java.util.*;


public class CollegeYearProcessor extends WebRequestProcessor


       public void process (Request request, Response response)


               // Get the request parameter with type year.

               String year = request.getParameter ("year");


               // Get a PrintWriter object and respond to the request.

               PrintWriter out = response.getWriter ();

               Page.createHeader (out, "College Class");

               out.println ("<h3>Hello.</h3>");    

               out.println ("<h3>Your year in college is " + year + "</h3>");


               Page.createFooter (out);                     


} // CollegeYearProcessor


Check Boxes


Check boxes are very similar to radio buttons.  But they are individually named rather than all having the same name.  You also may select more than one choice with a check box.  The following is an example where that would be appropriate.


<body> <h3>Indicate your menu selections.</h3>

<form method = "get" action="">

         <input type="checkbox" name = " menu" value = " Hamburger" /> Hamburger

         <br /><input type = "checkbox" name = " menu" value = " French Fries" /> French Fries

         <br /><input type = "checkbox" name = " menu" value = " Soda" /> Soda

         <br /><input type = "checkbox" name= " menu " value = " Apple Pie" /> Apple Pie

         <p><input type = "submit" value = "Send" /></p>



Text Box:














A simple Java program to process this form follows:


package client_server;



 * CheckBoxlProcessor processes a request from a web page that contains check boxes.  It responds to the

 * request by sending back a web page listing the menu choices selected.



import java.util.*;


public class CheckBoxProcessor extends WebRequestProcessor


       public void process (Request request, Response response)


               // Get the choices, an array of Strings.

               String [] choices = request.getParameterValues ("menu");


               // Get a PrintWriter object and respond to the request.

               PrintWriter out = response.getWriter ();

               Page.createHeader (out, "Menu Choices");

               out.println ("<h3>Hello.</h3>");

               out.println ("<h3>Your choices are ");

               // Print out the non-null values in the array.

               for (int count = 0; count < choices.length; count ++)


                      if (choices [count] != null)

                             out.println ("" + choices [count] + ", ");


               out.println ("</h3>");


               Page.createFooter (out);                     


} // CheckBoxProcessor


List Boxes


List boxes are similar to check boxes.  They have a list of options that the user may choose from. 


<body> <h3>Indicate your menu selections.</h3>

<form method = "get" action="">

       <select name = "menu" size = "4" multiple = "multiple" >

               <option /> Hamburger

               <option /> Soda

               <option /> French Fries

               <option /> Apple Pie


       <p><input type = "submit" value = "Send" /> </p>

</form> </body>


The size attribute determines how many items will be shown.  If there are more options than the number given by size, a scroll bar is added.  If you want to allow the selection of more than one item at a time, include the multiple attribute.  (In order to select several items, users have to hold down the control key when making the selection.)


Text Box:












The Request class of the simple web server must be modified to process this form.  The following code will handle the request after the modifications have been made.



package client_server;



 * ListBoxProcessor processes a request from a web page.  It responds to the

 * request by sending back a web page listing the menu choices selected.



import java.util.*;


public class ListBoxProcessor extends WebRequestProcessor


       public void process (Request request, Response response)


               // Get the choices, an array of Strings.

               String [] choices = request.getParameterValues ("menu");


               // Get a PrintWriter object and respond to the request.

               PrintWriter out = response.getWriter ();

               Page.createHeader (out, "Menu Choices");

               out.println ("<h3>Hello.</h3>");

               out.println ("<h3>Your choices are ");

               // Print out the non-null values in the array.

               for (int count = 0; count < choices.length; count ++)


                      if (choices [count] != null)

                             out.println ("" + choices [count] + ", ");


               out.println ("</h3>");


               Page.createFooter (out);                     


} // ListBoxProcessor




Tables are used to display information in rows and columns.  They can be used with form data, but they can also be used elsewhere in html.  Tables are defined by the <table> </table> tags.  If you want the gridlines to show, you add the attribute, border = "1", to the table tag resulting in <table border = "1">.


Tables consist of rows and columns with an optional heading row.  The tags for the heading row are <th></th>.  The regular table rows have tags <tr></tr> and the columns within the rows are tagged by <td></td>.  All tags must be nested, that is the opening and closing tags for a column must be completely contained within the tags for a row.  Also if the number of columns varies from one row to the next, the display looks strange.   If you want to have an empty cell, add a non-breaking space (&nbsp;) to it.  An example of a simple table follows:


<table border="1">
               <td>Alice Lee</td>
               <td>Bill Levin</td>

Text Box:











You should check out for additional information about html.  This web site also has a very good explanation of eXtensible HTML (xhtml). 


Tables can be used to display data on an output page.  The following program has an example.


package client_server;



 * StudentProcessor processes a request from a web page.  It responds to the request by

 * sending back a web page listing the id, name and qpa of the students in the class.



import java.text.*;



public class StudentProcessor extends WebRequestProcessor


       String id, name; double qpa;


       public void process (Request request, Response response)


               // Get a PrintWriter object and respond to the request.

               out = response.getWriter ();

               Page.createHeader (out, "Class Roster");



                      BufferedReader infile = new BufferedReader

                             (new InputStreamReader (new FileInputStream ("students.txt")));

                      out.println ("<center><h3>Class Roster</h3>");

                      out.println ("<table border='1' bordercolor='#000000' cellspacing='10'>");

                      out.println ("<tr><td>ID</td><td>Name</td><td>QPA</td></tr>");


                      id = infile.readLine ();

                      while (id != null)


                             name = infile.readLine ();

                             qpa = Double.parseDouble (infile.readLine ());

                             displayData (out);

                             id = infile.readLine ();


                      infile.close ();

                      out.println ("</table></center>");

               } catch (NumberFormatException e) {}

               catch (IOException e) {System.out.println ("File not found");}


               Page.createFooter (out);                            

       } // process


       // displayData displays the student data in a row of a table.

       public void displayData (PrintWriter out)


               out.println ("<tr><td>" + id + "</td>");

               out.println ("<td>" + name + "</td>");

               out.println ("<td>" + decimals (qpa) + "</td></tr>");

       } // displayData


       // Formats a double for string output with two decimal places.

       private String decimals (double num)


               DecimalFormat decFor = new DecimalFormat ();

               decFor.setMaximumFractionDigits (2);

               decFor.setMinimumFractionDigits (2);

               return decFor.format (num);

       } // method decimals

} // StudentProcessor


package client_server;



 * CheckBoxProcessor processes a request from a web page.  It responds to the

 * request by sending back a web page listing the bill for the menu choices selected.



import java.util.*;


public class CheckBoxProcessor extends WebRequestProcessor


       PrintWriter out;

       String [] choices;


       public void process (Request request, Response response)


               // Get the choices, an array of Strings.

               choices = request.getParameterValues ("menu");


               // Get a PrintWriter object and respond to the request.

               out = response.getWriter ();

               Page.createHeader (out, "Test Data");


               out.println ("<h3>Hello.</h3>");

               out.println ("<h3>Your Bill<br>");

               double total = findTotal ();

               out.println ("<h3>The total bill is " + total + "</h3>");


               Page.createFooter (out);                            



/* findTotal goes through the entire array to find all choices that have been checked.  When it finds one, it looks up the price and adds it to the total.  When done, it returns the total. */

       private double findTotal ()


               double total = 0;

               for (int count = 0; count < choices.length; count ++)


                      if (choices [count] != null)


                             double price = lookUpPrice (count);

                             out.println (choices [count] + ": " + price + "<br>");

                             total = total + price;



               return total;

       } // findTotal


       // loopUpPrice maintains a list of the prices for the menu choices.

       private double lookUpPrice (int count)


               if (choices [count].equals ("Hamburger")) return 2.50;

               else if (choices [count].equals ("French Fries")) return 1.25;

               else if (choices [count].equals ("Soda")) return 0.75;

               else if (choices [count].equals ("Apple Pie")) return 3.25;

               else return 0;

       } // lookUpPrice

} // CheckBoxProcessor