For this assignment, you are to create a database either in Microsoft Access or in MySQL. The database can be for an address book, a club membership list, a class roster, a list of products for a company, etc. If you are familiar with Access, you should try using MySQL, in order to gain experience with another database product.
Your database should have at least four or five fields, one of which should either be numerical or date. Then add 3 to 5 rows of data. Save the database and exit the program. Next register the database driver with the operating system. See the instructions for using Access and MySQL for information on how to do this.
Next create a java program that displays the data on the console screen. This program can be in any folder since it does not use the WebServer. Also it does not have to be in the same folder that contains the database. If you are using Access, it does not matter where the database file is stored. MySQL expects the file to be in the subfolder called data.
The SQL command used to get all the data from a database is Select.
For example, if the table in the database is called Customers, you can
get all the data using the command:
Select * From Customers
When done, hand in a printout of your Java program and a disk with the
program and the database. Include your name or initials as part of
the database name, so that different databases do not get mixed up.