This program has several errors. See if you can find them and get the program to work correctly.
// An application that averages the high and low temperatures for a city.
// CityTemps is the class containing the main method. It uses the
// City class to create a city.
public class CityTemps
public static void main (String [] args)
City ourCity = new city ();
ourCity.displayTemps ();
} // method main
} // class CityTemps
// The City class maintains weather statistics for a city.
class City
private String cityName;
private int highTemp, lowTemp, averageTemp;
// Class constructor.
City ()
cityName = "New York City";
highTemp = 41;
lowTemp = 28;
} // constructor
// A method that finds the average of the high and low temperatures.
public int findAverage ()
averageTemp = (highTemp - lowTemp)
/ 2;
return averageTemp;
} // method findAverage
// A method that displays the average temperature on the
public void displayTemps ()
averegeTemp = findAverage ();
System.out.println ("The average
temperature in " + cityName + " was " + averageTemp);
} // method displayTemps
} // class City