Computer Science 121
Assignment 1: Due February 1, 1999

  1. Go to the computer you have been assigned and find the folder on the screen labeled Compilers. Click on this folder and choose the Microsoft Visual C++ program.
  2. Follow the instructions for creating a project found on the web site,
  3. Create a project and run the following program. Put in your own e-mail address and favorite web site. If you do not yet have an e-mail address, get one from the computer center.
  4. //Program to draw a box on the screen. 
    //CS 121, <student's name>
    // <today's date>

    #include <iostream> //This includes input and output functions.

    using namespace std;

    int main ()
    {    cout << "**********************************" << endl;    cout << "*     <Your e-mail address>      *" << endl; cout << "*                                *" << endl; cout << "*   <Your favorite web site >    *" << endl;
    cout << "*                                *" << endl; cout << "**********************************" << endl;
    return 0; }

  5. If there are errors, return to the editor to correct them. If not, you should see the outline of a box on the screen with your message inside.
  6. Print your program by choosing Print on the File menu. Your print job should come out on one of the printers in the room.
  7. Copy the source program from the T drive (or your own hard drive) to a floppy disk. The source file will be in the folder created with your program.
  8. Start over with a new project. This one should display a list of the URLs for five web sites that sell products on line. Examples would be and Make a print out of the source code for this program as well. Copy the source code to the floppy disk. Make sure that your disk is labeled with your name. Hand in the printouts and the floppy disk.