Computer Science 121
Assignment 4
This time you are to calculate a person’s age using the exact birth
date. Read in the person’s name and then the year, month and day of
birth. Let January be month 1, February month 2, etc. Assume that
the current date is
As usual, provide a printout of your program along with a disk with the .java and .class files. In addition, answer the following questions, using a word processor.
1. How did you decide on the classes used in your program? How did you name them?
2. What methods did you include in the classes, and how did you decide what they would do?
3. What kind of problems did you have when creating and running your program? Were they syntax or logic errors, or both?
4. How did you design the statement that calculated the person’s age?
5. How would you modify your program to allow users to read in the current
date as well as the birth date?