For this assignment, create an applet that will draw a checkerboard pattern on the screen. An example appears below. Use a two dimentsional array of squares. (There will be no credit for programs that do not use a two dimensional array.) Make sure that the squares alternate in color and that each row begins with a color different from the one above and below.
You may decide how large to make each square and what colors to use, but the side should probably be at least 20 pixels. Also you can choose the number of rows and columns for the checkerboard. Just make sure that you have at least 6 of each.
For 5 additional points you can place a checker (circle) on a square
when the mouse is clicked on that square. No matter where the mouse
is clicked in the square, the circle should be located with its center
at the center of the square. Make the diameter of the circle somewhat
smaller than the side of the square.