CS 121/IS 223 Syllabus
for Spring 2007
Dr. Carol E. Wolf Office
http://csis.pace.edu/~wolf/ E-mail:
Office Hours:
Tutoring: Room 201
Text: Lewis, John and William Loftus, Java: Software Solutions, Addison-Wesley,
5th edition.
ISBN 0-321-40949-3
Weeks |
Date |
Topic |
1 |
Jan 22, 24 |
Chapter 1: Introduction to Java and Eclipse Description of Zoo project Classes and methods |
2 |
Jan 29, 31 |
2, 3: Strings, assignments, expressions, Input/Output |
3 |
Feb 5, 7 |
Chapter 2: Datatypes: int,
doubles, booleans, char, casts Applets: Graphics, colors, figures |
4 |
Feb 12, 14 |
Chapter 5: If-else and switch statements |
5 |
Feb 21, 26 |
Chapter 4: Methods and parameters, object
relationships Social impacts of computing |
6 |
Feb 28 |
Exam |
7 |
Mar 5, 7, 12 |
Chapter 5: For and while statements |
8 |
Mar 14 |
Chapter 6: Object oriented design Problem solving |
9 |
Mar 26, 28 Apr. 2 |
Chapter 7: Arrays of integers, doubles and Strings |
10 |
Apr 4 |
Professional integrity and responsibility |
10 |
Apr 9 |
Review |
11 |
Apr 11 |
Exam |
12 |
Apr 16, 18 |
Chapter 7: Arrays of objects Chapter 9: Searching and sorting arrays |
13 |
Apr 23, 25 |
Chapter 8, 9: Inheritance and polymorphism |
13 |
Apr 30 |
Review |
Finals Week |
Final Exam |
Each exam will count 100 points including the
final. Programs are to be worked on the
computer. They will be worth 10 points
each. All points earned either from
programs or exams will be totaled and averaged.
Final grading will be based on this course average. Late homework will be accepted without
penalty for one week. After that grades
will be reduced. All programs must be
completed before the end of the semester.
Students with missing homework will receive incomplete grades. Attendance is required. Over 3 unexcused absences will result in a
reduction in grade for the semester.
Some applets