Yianni Patsalos


April 11, 2006

Dr. Wolf


FBI vs. Hackers


          On earth we have evil doers consisting of muggers, rapists, murderers, and in the computer world there are hackers. Hackers are the computer worlds evil doers. Hackers are skilled people. They have the ability to disrupt, destroy, and inhibit computer systems from functioning properly.  This inevitably winds up affecting you and me in some way. The article I read is about how the FBI is craking down on hacker activity and how the hackers are strkining back.

          The FBI has always been hit by internet attackers but things just keep getting worse for them.  Hackers recently attacked the FBI and succeeded in shutting down its online systems. Reports of the hackers actions have been recorded and “The FBI and Senate Web sites remained inaccessible Friday as a result of the computer attacks. The FBI shut down its Web site Wednesday after it was swamped by a denial-of-service attack. The Senate took its site offline Thursday night after attackers broke into the public computer server and replaced the congressional body's home page with a screed against the FBI”. Hackers are getting smarter by being able to break into one of the most secure systems in the world. After the FBI was hit they investigated their systems and found that they were attacked with a denial of service attack. This attack hits the system so heavily that it makes it slow down and eventually stop functioning. The exact report is as follows: “other members of the hacking community, contacted by MSNBC, said the FBI site was hit by what's called a denial-of-service attack. In such an attack, the host computer is not actually controlled by an outsider; rather, outsiders bombard a Web site with so many simultaneous hits that it becomes overwhelmed and can no longer function”. The FBI then beefed up their security and started their investigation for the culprit. The FBI defiantly is stronger than individual hackers but the hackers defiantly at times, can cause problems for the FBI.    

          The FBI will eventually catch hackers. There too large and smart a group to not. They have technology at their fingertips and connot be stopped. It takes a lot of guts to mess with the FBI but there are people out there with tremendous skill who have no fear and feel they are above the law. The FBI defiantly wont stand for it. The United States Government wont stand for it either.

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