CS 312 Suggestions for Group Projects
- How computer usage differs between
rich and poor schools.
- Why so few women choose to work
in IT.
- Are students doing less file
sharing now after the RIA crack down?
- How private is data on the Internet?
Are people buying more on-line than before?
- What are people doing about
spam? Has it decreased after the new laws?
- What do people do to protect
their computers from viruses and worms?
- What are employers now looking
for? What is the effect of ‘off-shoring’?
- Who uses Internet phones, and
what is their future?
- Does using a computer cause
isolation or greater interaction with others?
- Is Internet dating effective,
and who is doing it?
- How successful are robots?
Who uses them?
- What is the availability of
computers at Pace? How could it be improved?
- How secure are wireless connections?
What are people doing to secure them?
- Where do people get news and
political information?
- How safe is electronic voting, and did it affect
the last election?
- Why are fewer students choosing IT as a major?
- How have IM, PDAs, IPods, etc. changed people’s lives?