import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.Applet;
/* An applet that reads data from a file, Figures.txt, that contains coordinates for circles and squares. It stores these in an array of Figures. Then it displays the figures on the applet using the paint method. It uses inheritance and polymorphism. */
public class Figures extends Applet
private FigureList figureList;
public void init ()
figureList =
new FigureList ();
} // method init
public void paint (Graphics g)
} // method paint
} // class Figures
// FigureList handles the array of Figures.
class FigureList
private Figure [] list;
private int listSize;
final int maxSize = 30;
FigureList ()
list = new Figure
listSize = 0;
} // constructor
public void readList ()
Figure figure;
BufferedReader figureFile = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (new
FileInputStream ("Figures.txt")));
String type = figureFile.readLine ();
while ((type != null) && (listSize < maxSize))
if (type.equals ("Circle")) figure = new Circle (type);
else figure = new Square (type);
figure.readFigure (figureFile);
list [listSize] = figure;
listSize ++;
type = figureFile.readLine ();
figureFile.close ();
} catch (IOException
e) {System.out.println ("IO Error");}
catch (NumberFormatException
e) {System.out.println ("Number Error.");}
} // method readList
public void displayList (Graphics g)
for (int count
= 0; count < listSize; count ++)
list [count].displayFigure (g);
} // method displayList
} // class FigureList
// Figure is the super class that reads in the coordinates.
class Figure
protected String type;
protected int x, y;
protected Color color;
Figure (String t) { type = t; } // constructor
public void readFigure (BufferedReader infile)
throws IOException
x = Integer.parseInt
(infile.readLine ());
y = Integer.parseInt
(infile.readLine ());
} // method readFigure
public void displayFigure (Graphics g)
g.setColor (color);
} // method displayFigure
}// class Figure
/* The Circle class inherits the x and y coordinates from the Figure
class. It then reads in the diameter of the circle. */
class Circle extends Figure
private int diameter;
Circle (String type) { super (type); } //
public void readFigure (BufferedReader infile)
throws IOException
diameter = Integer.parseInt
(infile.readLine ());
color =;
} // method readFigure
public void displayFigure (Graphics g)
g.fillOval (x,
y, diameter, diameter);
} // method displayFigure
} // class Circle
/* The Square class inherits the x and y coordinates from the Figure
class and the reads in the length of the side. */
class Square extends Figure
private int side;
Square (String type) {super (type);} // constructor
public void readFigure (BufferedReader infile)
throws IOException
color =;
side = Integer.parseInt
(infile.readLine ());
} // method readFigure
public void displayFigure (Graphics g)
g.fillRect (x,
y, side, side);
} // method displayFigure
} // class Square