Grant Workshop: Security and Cloud Computing
We will have the Grant Workshop co-located with IEEE CSCloud 2015 on November 5th, 2015.
The theme of this Grant Workshop is Security and Cloud Computing. The Grant Workshop aims at bringing together researchers, educators, and industrial partners
from the Metropolitan New York Area, and spreading information about your organization’s
initiatives and programs. Directors of National Science Foundation (NSF)
will present. The Workshop will include three
Highlights: Grant Workshop Flyer
This is a FREE EVENT. For participating in this event, you need fill up the Application Form to complete the registration.
Track 1: Computing will include but is not limited to the followings areas:
cybersecurity, cloud computing, big data, cyber physical systems, IoT, heterogeneous
architecture, Tele-health, and other fields related to computing.
Track 2: STEM Education and Research
Track 3: Sustainable Systems
Detailed information about the Grant Workshop's schedule, location, registration, and highlights refer to the follows:
Time: 8AM -5PM, 5th Novmber 2015
Highlights: Directors of NSF will present.
Location: Room C-D, conference venue.
Registration: for registration, please contact
- 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM: NYIT Provost and Dean, Open Remark
- 9:30 AM - 9:50 AM: Pace University, Welcome Opening
- Associate Provost for Sponsored Research, Sally S. Dickerson, Ph.D.
- Professor, Li-Chiou Chen, Ph.D.
- 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM: Gurdip Singh, NSF/CNS
- 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM: Dongwon Lee, NSF/SaTC
The workshop will be co-hosted with The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security
and Cloud Computing (IEEE CSCloud 2015) and The 9th International Network and System
Security (
NSS) from November 3rd-5th, 2015, at NYIT’s
Auditorium on Broadway, New York.
These conferences target recent academic achievements in cybersecurity and cloud computing.
Contemporary cyber security techniques and tools have been developed to avoid system fragility
and defend against vulnerabilities from cyber attacks. We welcome you to attend the workshop
and are sure that your will enjoy building up the connections with the professionals for a
group of funding agents
Grants Workshop Organizing Committee
Dr. Meikang Qiu (Chair), Pace University
Dr. Tao Zhang (Co-Chair), New York Institute of Technology
Dr. Li-Chiou Chen, Pace University
Universities in the New York Region:
New York Institute of Technology (NYIT)
Pace University
New York University (NYU)
Columbia University
City University of New York (CUNY)
Fordham University
Please contact us if you want to participate in this event.
Contact for Registration