WiP Session & Ph.D Forum Submission
Submission Information
Contributions to a special Work-in-Progress (WiP) session of the 2015 Security Space are sought.
The WiP session will be devoted to the presentation of new and on-going research into all areas of
system and network security. We are especially interested in new and creative ideas and approaches.
Contributors to the WiP session will be asked to give a short presentation of their work for discussion. Submissions should be at most 3 pages in IEEE
format (
one complimentary page), including the bibliography. All accepted WiP papers will be included in a proceeding published by IEEE.
We will have a PhD forum to be held in conjunction with the main conference. The PhD Forum spans various topics of cyber security and cloud computing. Participants with interdisciplinary work related to security and cloud computing are also welcome. The participants are required to submit an abstract of their PhD dissertation proposals and their work in process towards the dissertation. The accepted abstracts will be included in the conference proceedings, and the PhD candidates have to attend the forum to present their abstracts.
The abstract should be one page (up to 3 pages with extra payment) in IEEE format using 10-11pt fonts and single-spaced lines, including name, institution, contact information, and the bibliography. The abstract must be submitted in PDF format. In the title field of the submission page, please add “PhD forum:” in the beginning of your title to indicate this is a PhD forum submission, and also tick the 3rd option (1 page to 2 pages) in the paper category field.
Each accepted paper needs at least one author to register in the conference
and give an oral presentation at the conference. This process is mandatory for all authors.
We assume authors understand this policy before they submit the paper to this conference.
For any reasons the authors cannot attend the conference, that will be the authors' responsibility
to take consequences. Any paper withdrawals may result in a punishment given by IEEE CSCloud.
Each submission should be regarded as an undertaking that, should the submission be accepted, at least one of the authors must attend the conference to present the work in order that the accepted paper can be put into digital library.
Papers should be submitted through the paper submission system at the conference website. Both WiP and Ph.D. Forum are solicited. All paper submissions must represent original and unpublished work. Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format through EasyChair. Manuscripts should be prepared following the IEEE Computer Society Press Proceedings. Author Guidelines (Template) that can be found at:
Considering some authors prefer publishing longer papers, we allow authors to submit up to 3 pages for WiP/PhD Forum papers. We do not encourage authors to submit overlength papers due to the over length charge. Refer to the following instructions for detailed information about the over length charge:
- Poster/WIP/PHD forum Papers: 3 pages, including all figures, tables, and references.
(NO extra pages allowed. Authors can have 1 complimentary page. Manuscript can be up to 3 pages in length with over length charge $150/page)
Important Note:
Counting the cost of the over length charge uses the longest submission version (e.g. submission
version, updated version, camera-ready version). The purpose of this policy is to save reviewers'
time and our operation time.
The submission website for WiP/Ph.D Forum at CSCloud2015 is
EasyChair: [