Sir Gawain
and The Green Knight
(I, v, 640-712)
In the story Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the
character of Sir Gawain is presented by the unknown author
writing in the late fourteenth century. In the poem, it is
evident that Sir Gawain is a noble knight who is respected and
admired by all. Throughout Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,
Sir Gawain practices and learns chivalry in a brilliant way and
clearly represents all the standards of a gentleman: Gawain is
loyal, courteous, and honest. Here, I will explain later specific
aspects of the poem where we can learn about the character of Sir
Gawain. From the clothing he wears and through other people, it
will become clear that people respect and admire Gawain as the
ideal knight.
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