Abrams, et al., The Norton Anthology of English Literature, vol. 1, 6th
ed. Required readings on reserve in the library. Students are expected to read all
assignments carefully and on time. Some material is difficult and will require extra time
and attention. A reading schedule is attached.
CD-ROMs on reserve in the computer room are The Anglo-Saxons: TheMultimedia Learning
Guide and Microsoft Art Gallery, The Collection of the National Gallery, London.
To use these, contact Nancy Otero, (346-1688 or PNYAPNO@fsmail.Pace.edu)
Weekly e-mail dialogues with students and professors.
Four graded projects, including research project, + final project developed out of
earlier assignments (5-7 pp essay with MLA-style citations, bibliography). Final project:
to build a virtual museum or recreate a scene from a play or literary work. Proposals for
these may be sent via e-mail to the professors.
Final project: to build a virtual museum or recreate a scene from a play or literary
work. Proposals for these are to be sent via e-mail to the professors.
In-class writing assignments and tests on literature.
Rules of grammar and spelling must be applied in all essays. Incorrect grammar and
spelling will lower your grade. (It is helpful to consult a dictionary and to bring one
with you to class.) Revision of projects is strongly encouraged. Failing projects may be
re-written and re-submitted for consideration at the discretion of the professor. All
projects, assignments, revisions, and tests must be completed.
Bring an extra disk with you to each class. Most projects are submitted in both hard
and HTML (disk) formats. Be sure your disks are labelled with project title, your name,
and the date.
Grade will be based on: in-class assignments, class participation (in both the actual
and virtual classrooms), tests, and projects. Students are expected to improve over the
semester. The final project and final examination will have heaviest weight on the final