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The BASE2 project is a database of directory information for Internet2. Our goal is to provide the most complete source for locating Internet2 related queries, ranging from applications of Internet2 to projects that utilize it.
ORB is an online resume builder and career finder for CSIS students of Pace University. This online resume database includes a step-by-step walkthrough to assist students in creating a professional resume with an option to export to HTML or PDF types.
Our Scholarship Database was intially created for our own personal use. Hundreds of scholarships, grants and fellowships were compiled then sorted through. Only the most reliable and reputable listings were kept. Now the Scholarship Database is open to all students, regardless of Univeristy, and is meant to assist current Undergraduate, Graduate and Post-Graduate students in finding sources of finance for their current and/or continuing education.
A small computer cluster using Linux and the OSCAR project from oscar.openclustergroup.org, intended to be used primarily for the computation of Quantum Chemistry problems. Currently the cluster consists of 8 Pentium 4 machines on a 100 MB network.
An online collection of tools made for Internet 2 and computer networks. It includes descriptions of the tools, operating system compatibility as well as direct links to download them. The goal of this website is to be a 'one stop' site for all Internet2 (i2) related tools.
The goal of this ongoing project is to develop an educational program for pre-school children. It uses Microsoft technology to create an interactive character that will educate children as well as entertain them ("edutainment"). The character will interact with the kids through a hand-held device and will perform pre-set actions, such as asking mathematical problems, play games, etc.
More information to follow...
Project NABU (knowledge transfer beyond boundaries) is dedicated to the empowerment of local communities through sharing of the knowledge, technology, and human resources necessary to improve living conditions, understand global issues, and attain sustainable development. The guiding principle behind NABU's commitment to sustainable development is the implementation of distance education and Information Communication Technology to reach and interact with ethnically and geographically diverse populations.


ORB is an online resume builder and career finder for CSIS students of Pace University. This online resume database includes a step-by-step walkthrough to assist students in creating a professional resume with an option to export to HTML or PDF types. A powerful user management system allows students students to apply for jobs online while faculty and employers receive notifications and can browse applicants resume and information.

Site link: To view this project and get the latest news and information related to it please visit http://orb.csis.pace.edu.