General Databases | Special Interest | Foreign / Study Abroad

General Databases

   General databases will be the best option for random searching; Nearly all databases require registration and a profile to be filled out after which they match your profile to more than 100,000 possible awards/programs.

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Website Description
EduPrep Lets you personalize your search and choose from 2.5 million awards
FastWeb Comparable to FastAid, this site is possibly the most popular amongst teenagers
FastAid Oldest and largest free scholarship search engine on the Web
Broke Scholar Searchable database with apporximately 900,000 available programs and helpful features, such as a personalized deadline calendar Searchable database that matches uiniquely matches scholarships based on your profile and requirements
College Board The company that makes the SAT's now helps you to pay for college
NextStudent Featuring a scholarship search engine, personal financial advisor and pages and pages of tips, this site is a perfect stop before signing any loan papers
Monster Scholarship for Business, Science & Engineering Searchable database that matches uiniquely matches scholarships based on your profile and requirements
WiredScholar/SallieMae SallieMae offers two seperate search engines for scholarships and related programs, such as internships. Also includes valuble tips on sutdent/family loans

Special Interest

   Special Interest programs are usually highly specialized or specific awards that will not appeal to everyone. The awards below can also apply to certain ethnicities or races, such as Hispanic scholarships or can be military based.

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Website Description
The Excellence in 3D Animation Award Computer Science related.
The Needham September 11th Scholarship Fund Applicant must be a surviving dependent child
Microsoft Scholarships list Computer Science/Engineering related
Compaq Computer Scholarships Scholarship is provided to women students entering their freshman year, in all fields of engineering or computer science
Imation Computer Arts Scholarship Twenty-five student winners from across the nation receive $1,000 college scholarships and national recognition for their talent.

Foreign Programs / Study Abroad

   The awards below are for foreign students studying in an American institution, or students who wish to study abroad (outside of the continental US). Resident status or citizenship is important in many of these scholarships, be sure to read award requirements carefully.

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Website Description
International Education Financial Aid Financial aid information, scholarships & grants for International stdnts.
The Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans Available to US permanent residents, or naturalized U.S. Citizen who are under the age of 30. (deadline: 11/04)
The HSF/Pfizer Inc. Fellowship Program Available to full time students of hispanic background who are a US citizen or permanent resident. (deadline: 06/04)
StudentAwards Contains both U.S. and Canadian scholarship data bases

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