Professor of Computer Science
Dr. Anthony Joseph
Interactive Digital Logic Circuits
Course Outline Video Clip
Animation of PC Booting Process
Fall 2015 Courses
CS 506 (Computer Systems and Concepts)
CS 633/388 (Data Communications and Networks)
CS 691 (Computer Science Project I)
Other Courses Taught
CS 634 (Computer Networking and Internet)
CS 232 (Computer Organization)
CS 325/CIT 348 (Data Mining)
CS 398A/IS 690G(Modeling Financial Processes and Systems)
IT 666 (Information Security Management)
CS 371 (Operating System & Architecture I)
CS 397N/CIT 397K (Technology Entrepreneurship)
CS 397D (Financial Computing)
CS 604 (Computer Systems and Concepts)
IT 304 (Network & Internet Security)
CS 637 (Wireless Communications)
CS 398B/CIT 397B (Entrepreneurial Health Informatics)
IT 664 (Computer and Internet Forensics)
CS 603 (Computer Architecture)
CIS 101 (Introduction to Computing: Urban Environment; Downtown; Computing Forensics)
Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems
Pace University