CS 385/627 - Artificial Intelligence

Fall 2024
1 Pace Plaza - W605
Monday 1:20-4:20pm

Instructor: D. Paul Benjamin

Text: Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach by Russell and Norvig, 3rd edition.

Teaching Materials



All homework assignments should be emailed to cs627pace@gmail.com, not to me directly.

You need to read Pace University's policy and procedures, especially the section on Academic Integrity.

The Teaching Materials include regular Assignments and Advanced Assignments. Everyone must do the regular Assignments. Advanced Assignments are required only for PhD students taking this course; they are extra credit for everyone else.

To see some agents, check out this page and the page at UMBC.

Goals of the course

FAQ Send me email about topics you feel should be added.

Here is the website for the book. One of the most important links on that site is the Online code repository.

Procedure for Students with Disabilities Who Wish to Obtain Reasonable Accommodations for a Course:
The University's commitment to equal educational opportunities for students with disabilities includes providing reasonable accommodations for the needs of students with disabilities. To request an a reasonable accommodation for a qualified disability a student with a disability must self-identify and register with the Office of Disability Services for his or her campus. No one, including faculty, is authorized to evaluate the need for or grant a request for an accommodation except the Office of Disability Services. Moreover, no one, including faculty, is authorized to contact the Office of Disability Services on behalf of a student. For further information, please see Resources for Students with Disabilities.

Some interesting pointers