September 9 Overview of Course

Assignment: read chapter 1 in the text.
Homework 0 is due September 18.

Pages for chapter 1.                 Here is an example of Eliza and source code.

New Age Bullshit Generator                 SCIgen

September 16 Intelligent Agents

Assignment: read chapter 2 in the text.
Do problem 2.4 and email me the solutions by October 3.
Here is problem 2.4: For each of the following activities, give a PEAS description of the task environment and characterize it in terms of the properties listed in Section 2.3.2.
-  Playing soccer.
-  Exploring the subsurface oceans of Titan.
-  Shopping for used AI books on the Internet.
-  Playing a tennis match.
-  Practicing tennis against a wall,
-  Performing a high jump.
-  Knitting a sweater.
-  Bidding on an item at an auction.
Pages for chapter 2.

Here is a video on chapter 2 that you can watch if you miss class or want another take on chapter 2.

Here are three interesting background articles: Video of a bin picking robot.
AI lawyer.
Basics of Satellite Imagery, and the Visible Earth website.
Earth data from the NOAA and the WorldBank.

September 23, 30, October 7, 14 Solving Problems using Search

Assignment: Read chapter 3 and sections 4.1 and 4.2 in the text.
Search Homework 1 is due October 16.

Advanced Assignment: (Optional assignment)
Search Homework 2 is due October 23.

Solving Problems by Searching.

Uninformed Search.         NYC Subway Map.

Informed Search.

Local Search.

Genetic Algorithms.

Here is a paper on A* for path finding for those students really interested in game-playing programs. And here is some genetic algorithm software.

A* example

Here are some videos on search:

Basic Search Part 1
Basic Search Part 2
Basic Search Part 3
Local Search
Genetic Algorithms

Here are the notes of the September 30 class.

Here are the notes of the October 7 class.

October 21


The exam will be in room W605 from 1:20pm - 2:50pm.
October 28 Game Playing Programs

Assignment: Read chapter 5 in the text.
Games Homework 1 is due November 13.

Advanced Assignment:
Do exercise 5-16 by November 6.

Pages for Games.

November 4 Constraint Satisfaction Problems - ASYNCHRONOUS ONLINE CLASS

Assignment: Read chapter 6 in the text. Watch the videos and do exercises 6-1 and 6-5 and email the solutions to me by November 13.

Advanced Assignment:
Do exercise 6-7. Instead of discussing representations, program one to solve the problem, in any programming language you wish. Note: Some search will be required, so you will program a search method. Submit your code by November 27.

This class is entirely online. Do not come to class this week. Instead, watch these two videos:
Video 1
Video 2

Pages for CSPs.

Here are more advanced materials for anyone interested in studying this topic further:
Lecture on Constraint Programming.
Advanced Lecture Video from IAS.
Consistency Based CSP Solver.
Video Lecture on Phase Transitions in CSPs.
More video lectures on phase transitions.

November 11 Intro to Logic
Assignment: Read chapter 7 in the text.

Advanced Assignment:
Do Exercises 7.20 and 7.12 by November 30.

Propositional logic.

Inference in Propositional logic.

November 18 Thanksgiving Break

Assignment: Eat, sleep, then eat some more.

November 21 Representing the World using Logic

Assignment: Read chapters 8 and 12 in the text.
Logic Homework 1 is due December 10.

Advanced Assignment:
Do exercise 8.17 by December 4.

First Order logic.

Inference in First Order logic.

For those interested in investigating automated logic, here's an excellent first-order theorem prover and a
higher-order logic theorem prover.

December 2 Probability and Bayes Rule - ONLINE CLASS

Assignment: Read chapter 13 and sections 14.1 and 14.2 and watch the three videos below. Then do exercises 13-8 and 14-4 and email the answers to me by December 13.

Advanced Assignment:
Do exercises 13.17 and 14.1 by December 19.

This class is entirely online. Do not come to class. Watch these three videos:
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3

Probability and Bayes Rule Pages

December 9 Learning

Assignment: Read sections 18.1 through 18.3 in the text.
Learning Homework 1 is due December 19.

Pages for learning.

Pages for neural networks.

Also, here is an interesting article on brain-like computers, and videos showing emergence.

December 16 Final Exam
The exam will be in room W605 from 1:20pm - 2:50pm.

Note: Some of these webpages are copyrighted by Charles S. Dyer. Some are modified versions from Hal Daume from the University of Utah and some are from Yuhang Wang at SMU. Some are mine. And others were provided by the authors of the text.