Uses of Class

Uses of UrRobot in kareltherobot

Subclasses of UrRobot in kareltherobot
 class Robot
          Robot defines the sensing capabilities of Robot objects.

Methods in kareltherobot with parameters of type UrRobot
 void KJRTest.assertFacingNorth(UrRobot robot)
          Fail if the robot is not facing North.
 void KJRTest.assertNotFacingNorth(UrRobot robot)
          Fail if the robot is facing North.
 void KJRTest.assertFacingEast(UrRobot robot)
          Fail if the robot is not facing East.
 void KJRTest.assertNotFacingEast(UrRobot robot)
          Fail if the robot is facing East.
 void KJRTest.assertFacingSouth(UrRobot robot)
          Fail if the robot is not facing South.
 void KJRTest.assertNotFacingSouth(UrRobot robot)
          Fail if the robot is facing South.
 void KJRTest.assertFacingWest(UrRobot robot)
          Fail if the robot is not facing West.
 void KJRTest.assertNotFacingWest(UrRobot robot)
          Fail if the robot is facing West.
 void KJRTest.assertAt(UrRobot robot, int street, int avenue)
          Fail if the robot is not at a given intersection.
 void KJRTest.assertNotAt(UrRobot robot, int street, int avenue)
          Fail if the robot is at a given intersection.
 void KJRTest.assertOnStreet(UrRobot robot, int street)
          Fail if the robot is not on a given street.
 void KJRTest.assertNotOnStreet(UrRobot robot, int street)
          Fail if the robot is on a given street.
 void KJRTest.assertOnAvenue(UrRobot robot, int avenue)
          Fail if the robot is not on a given avenue.
 void KJRTest.assertNotOnAvenue(UrRobot robot, int avenue)
          Fail if the robot is on a given avenue.
 void KJRTest.assertHasNeighbor(UrRobot robot)
          Fail if the robot has no neighbors.
 void KJRTest.assertHasNoNeighbor(UrRobot robot)
          Fail if the robot has any neighbors.
 void KJRTest.assertNextToABeeper(UrRobot robot)
          Fail if the robot is on a corner with no beepers.
 void KJRTest.assertNotNextToABeeper(UrRobot robot)
          Fail if the robot is on a corner with one or more beepers.
 void KJRTest.assertBeepersInBeeperBag(UrRobot robot)
          Fail if the beeper bag of the robot is empty.
 void KJRTest.assertNoBeepersInBeeperBag(UrRobot robot)
          Fail if the robot has any beepers in its beeper bag.
 void KJRTest.assertFrontIsClear(UrRobot robot)
          Fail if there is a wall in front of the robot.
 void KJRTest.assertFrontIsBlocked(UrRobot robot)
          Fail if there is no wall in front of the robot.
 void KJRTest.assertRunning(UrRobot robot)
          Fail if the robot has turned off or experienced an error shutoff.
 void KJRTest.assertNotRunning(UrRobot robot)
          Fail if the robot not has turned off. UrRobot.connectTo(UrRobot other, UrRobot.ConnectStrategy strat)
 void UrRobot.acceptConnectionFrom(UrRobot sender, s, UrRobot.ConnectStrategy strat)
 void UrRobot.ConnectStrategy.action(UrRobot sender, UrRobot receiver, manager)