Uses of Class

Uses of ur_Robot in kareltherobot

Subclasses of ur_Robot in kareltherobot
 class Robot
          Robot defines the sensing capabilities of Robot objects.

Methods in kareltherobot with parameters of type ur_Robot
 void KJRTest.assertFacingNorth(ur_Robot robot)
          Fail if the robot is not facing North.
 void KJRTest.assertNotFacingNorth(ur_Robot robot)
          Fail if the robot is facing North.
 void KJRTest.assertFacingEast(ur_Robot robot)
          Fail if the robot is not facing East.
 void KJRTest.assertNotFacingEast(ur_Robot robot)
          Fail if the robot is facing East.
 void KJRTest.assertFacingSouth(ur_Robot robot)
          Fail if the robot is not facing South.
 void KJRTest.assertNotFacingSouth(ur_Robot robot)
          Fail if the robot is facing South.
 void KJRTest.assertFacingWest(ur_Robot robot)
          Fail if the robot is not facing West.
 void KJRTest.assertNotFacingWest(ur_Robot robot)
          Fail if the robot is facing West.
 void KJRTest.assertAt(ur_Robot robot, int street, int avenue)
          Fail if the robot is not at a given intersection.
 void KJRTest.assertNotAt(ur_Robot robot, int street, int avenue)
          Fail if the robot is at a given intersection.
 void KJRTest.assertOnStreet(ur_Robot robot, int street)
          Fail if the robot is not on a given street.
 void KJRTest.assertNotOnStreet(ur_Robot robot, int street)
          Fail if the robot is on a given street.
 void KJRTest.assertOnAvenue(ur_Robot robot, int avenue)
          Fail if the robot is not on a given avenue.
 void KJRTest.assertNotOnAvenue(ur_Robot robot, int avenue)
          Fail if the robot is on a given avenue.
 void KJRTest.assertHasNeighbor(ur_Robot robot)
          Fail if the robot has no neighbors.
 void KJRTest.assertHasNoNeighbor(ur_Robot robot)
          Fail if the robot has any neighbors.
 void KJRTest.assertNextToABeeper(ur_Robot robot)
          Fail if the robot is on a corner with no beepers.
 void KJRTest.assertNotNextToABeeper(ur_Robot robot)
          Fail if the robot is on a corner with one or more beepers.
 void KJRTest.assertBeepersInBeeperBag(ur_Robot robot)
          Fail if the beeper bag of the robot is empty.
 void KJRTest.assertNoBeepersInBeeperBag(ur_Robot robot)
          Fail if the robot has any beepers in its beeper bag.
 void KJRTest.assertFrontIsClear(ur_Robot robot)
          Fail if there is a wall in front of the robot.
 void KJRTest.assertFrontIsBlocked(ur_Robot robot)
          Fail if there is no wall in front of the robot.
 void KJRTest.assertRunning(ur_Robot robot)
          Fail if the robot has turned off or experienced an error shutoff.
 void KJRTest.assertNotRunning(ur_Robot robot)
          Fail if the robot not has turned off. ur_Robot.connectTo(ur_Robot other, ur_Robot.ConnectStrategy strat)
 void ur_Robot.acceptConnectionFrom(ur_Robot sender, s, ur_Robot.ConnectStrategy strat)
 void ur_Robot.ConnectStrategy.action(ur_Robot sender, ur_Robot receiver, manager)