John S. Craparo
Adjunct Associate Professor
203-357-3575 (fax)

  John S. Craparo
I hope that my students and other guests find this space useful.

Course syllabi, links to information sources, software used in my courses, and grades can be accessed from this location.

As the semester progresses, links will be added to this page which we find as a result of our Action Learning projects. This will give everyone a chance to use these sources and build upon them.

The most convenient way to reach me is through electronic mail. This allows me to easily visualize queued messages and prioritize my responses. I check and respond to e-mail late into the evening. Please do not hesitate to call me on the telephone if the need arises.

Your feedback regarding what is found here is appreciated. Given some time, I would like to add a threaded message board and a class mailing list.

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Last updated on April 28, 1998
Copyright © 1998 by John S. Craparo