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Distance Learning On The World Wide Web
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[Photo of David Sachs] Dr. David Sachs

Assistant Dean, Pace University
White Plains, NY, US

[Photo of Henry Stair] Henry (Pete) Stair

President, Mycroft Information LLC
New Canaan, CT, US

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Distance Learning On The World Wide Web
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* How to define distance learning?
--- Various models of distance learning

* Does anybody know what time it is?
--- Synchronous or asynchronous distance learning?

* What technologies are to be used?
--- Hardware, software, and bandwidth considerations

* Distance learning at work
--- A guided tour of some outstanding examples

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How To Define Distance Learning?
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* Education that takes place when teachers and students
are separated by physical distance

* Technology (voice, video, data, print, the Internet, the Web)
is used to bridge the physical distance

* Technology should remain transparent "behind the scenes",
enabling students to quickly and easily access course materials, research materials, other students, and their instructor

* Distance learning might be used for all or part of a course

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Does Anybody Know What Time It Is?
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* To be synchronous or asynchronous, that is the question

* Advantages and disadvantages of synchronous distance education

* Advantages and disadvantages of asynchronous distance education

* Factors to consider: physical location of students and faculty, availability of students and faculty at the same time, access to technology for students and faculty, etc.

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What Technologies Are To Be Used?
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* What kind of technology (connectivity, processing power, multimedia capabilities, bandwidth) is available to your students?

* What kind of technology and support (connectivity, servers, bandwidth, personnel) is available to your instructors?

* How leading edge/bleeding edge do you want/need to be?
(RealAudio, RealVideo, au files, mpeg files, ISDN, etc.)

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Distance Learning At Work -- Pace University
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* Pace University's NACTEL Web Site

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Distance Learning At Work -- Asymetrix
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* Skill Training Examples from Asymetrix
--- Asymetrix

* Volcano Hazards Program - USGS
--- Volcano Hazards

*Asymetrix Solutions

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Distance Learning At Work - Eloquent
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* Eloquent

Customer Examples

  1. Learning in the Digital Age - Elliott Masie

  2. The Next Big Thing in Online Training - Brandon Hall

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Distance Learning At Work -- PlaceWare
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PlaceWare is the leading provider of Web conferencing solutions, enabling companies to reach their customers, prospects, partners and employees, anytime, anyplace with live, interactive Web presentations.

* PlaceWare

*PlaceWare Past Events

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Distance Learning At Work -- HorizonLive
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HorizonLive is a breakthrough in simplicity for delivering live presentations and training over the Internet.

* HorizonLive.com

*HorizonLive Product Information

*HorizonLive Distance Learning Demo

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Distance Learning At Work -- Lotus LearningSpace
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*Lotus LearningSpace

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Distance Learning Resources
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Distance Learning Additional Resources (2)
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Course Development Tools & Environments
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[DN] [UP]


Electronic copies of this presentation are available at:




Thank You!
