
About the NXT Tutorial Version 1.15

This NXT Tutorial was developed by Dale Yocum, Head Robotics Coach at Catlin Gabel School in Portland, Oregon. The exercise animations are provided courtesy of Skye Sweeney (aka FLL-Freak). This version of the tutorial may be freely distributed and used for noncommercial purposes. It may not be used in a commercial application or a for-profit class. A separate, modestly priced, version is available for those applications. Contact Dale Yocum for more information or to report abuse.

This tutorial is copyrighted 2006, Dale Yocum.

About Catlin Gabel School

Catlin Gabel School is an independent, coeducational college preparatory school in Portland Oregon. Catlin is a charter member of the Oregon Robotics Tournament and Outreach Program (www.ortop.org). We typically field around 5-6 FLL robotics teams each season and host LEGO tournaments through ORTOP. Our LEGO robotics program starts in 5th grade and continues through Middle School as an after-school activity. It’s also integrated into Middle School science classes.

In High School, Catlin students take part in the nationwide FIRST Robotics competition (www.usfirst.org). In this competition students build robots from raw metals, electronics and plastics. Members of this team also mentor middle school robotics students. Catlin Gabel is also one of the few schools to offer four years of Computer Science in High School.  The FIRST team web site is www.team1540.org

More information on the School’s robotics program is available at www.catlin.edu/robotics.


A great deal of useful information can be found at Skye’s web site: www.fll-freak.com


New versions of this tutorial can be found on our web site www.catlin.edu/msrobotics in the download section.


The author is not affiliated with the LEGO Corporation, FIRST, nor any of their contractors.


Contact Dale Yocum at: dale@yocum.com
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