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Employment Advisor!

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Your client is Mohammed Eftekham, a forty-one year old immigrant who is concerned about his career because he needs to support his wife and two small children. He has access to a computer at the local library and would like to find programs that will help him learn about employment opportunities and training services. Although he worked as a carpenter in his homeland, he knows he may have to be re-trained and may need to find temporary work in other fields. He needs your help!

Mohammed Eftekham


Your job is to visit each of the following links to find out about health

programs that are available to new immigrants! After answering the

questions, rate each site. One star means that the site was NOT HELPFUL.

Five stars mean that the site was VERY HELPFUL.


New York State Department of Labor

At this site, find answers to the following questions for your client:

1. What job and career resources does the site provide for adults? This information can be found in the "Job and Career Resources" section.

2. What types of apprenticeships are available for people? See the "Job and Career Resources" for "Apprenticeships."

3. What helpful information does the "Youth Careers" section provide? Visit the "Choose a Career" section and the "Acquire Skills" section.

4. How does a teenager get working papers? Visit the "Youth" section for this information.

5. Identify five good jobs that do not require a four year college education. For this information, visit the "Investigate an Occupation" section and go to the "Looking for a Good Job that Does Not Require a Four-Year College Education" section.



Job Opportunities . . . at America's Job Bank

1. What resources does the site offer? See the "Sign-Up Information" and the "About AJB" sections.

2. Read one section of the "Learning Exchange" and list three training or educational programs that mey help Mohammed.

3. Find three jobs that Mohammed might enjoy. For this information, visit the "Occupation" section.

4. What advice is offered to people who are searching for jobs? Visit the "Career Infonet" for information.



The ETA and Foreign Labor Certification

1. What does ETA stand for and what does the ETA do? See the "Unemployment Insurance Fact Sheet."

2. Who is eligible for unemployment insurance claims? See "Unemployment Insurance Claims."

3. Visit the "Foreign Labor Certification" site at and list the five programs available to immigrants.

4. What is the purpose of the "Alien Certification Program"? See the top of the page.

5. What is the "Job Corps" and who is eligible? For answers, visit the "Job Corps" area at



Resume Writing Assistance

1. Why is a resume important? You will find this information in the "Content" section.

2. List five "Sample Interview Questions."

3. What three characteristics make a resume successful?

4. Why is a "Checklist" important in the interviewing process? See the "Checklist" section.

5. What types of questions should you ask at an interview? See the "Prepare Questions" section.



In Your Opinion . . .

Now, try to find one government agency site or page on your own! Remember to consider Mohammed's needs! Write down the web address and briefly describe what the site offers Mohammed.

Extra credit . . . Extra work . . . Extra helpful to Mohammed!

Interview your school counselor, an E.S.L. teacher, a social worker, or a foreign student representative to find the answers to these questions:

1. What local organizations can assist immigrants in finding appropriate temporary or full-time jobs?

2. What local programs offer internships to students, especially those who speak other languages?

2. Which colleges offer work programs that will help an ESL students pay for tuition?

3. Is there a network of local businesses that are owned by immigrants?

4. Which local organizations provide re-training or advice regarding writing resumes and going on interviews?

5. Are there any bartering programs in the area so that people can exchange services or goods?


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