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E.S.L. Empowered

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Programs and Procedures to Help New Immigrants

by V. Guarino


 bd21297_.gif (880 bytes)  Introduction  

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bd21297_.gif (880 bytes)  Task

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bd21297_.gif (880 bytes)    Process & Resources

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bd21297_.gif (880 bytes)   Evaluation

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bd21297_.gif (880 bytes)   Conclusion

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Introduction   Task   Process & Resources   Evaluation   Conclusion



Now that you are a member of a community in the United States,Statlib2.wmf (7856 bytes)


you need to be aware of the vast worldTR00262A.gif (1715 bytes)of opportunities available


to you.  You are not alone here.   Rather, you are surrounded by people Dancers2.wmf (6688 bytes)


who want to help you feel PE03329A.gif (2277 bytes)welcome in your new or even temporary


home.  Also, the members of your new community WB01430_.gif (6251 bytes)


want to learn more about WB01426_.gif (1288 bytes) you!  After all, your culture - your values,


traditions, beliefs, languageBS00865A.gif (2933 bytes) and attitudes - are unique and


interesting.  In fact, as an ambassador from your Parknite.wmf (31952 bytes)country, you have


much to teach people who are unfamiliar with your native BL00014A.gif (2115 bytes)





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Introduction   Task   Process & Resources   Evaluation   Conclusion



Working in groups, you will find a variety of information that will help other

new immigrants feel comfortable, safe and welcome in New York.  This

information may be helpful to you, your family and friends!


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Introduction   Task   Process & Resources   Evaluation   Conclusion


Process & Resources

Phase I:  Each of your group members will choose one of the following roles:

AG00029_.gif (4339 bytes)     Health Administrator

PE01644A.gif (2627 bytes)Education Counselor

PE01799A.gif (1627 bytes)Employment Advisor

AG00076_.gif (4412 bytes)Immigration and Citizenship Attorney


Phase II:  Each of your group members will follow the instructions for his or her

task.  You will write the answers to each question on clean looseleaf.

Phase III:  Members will share information to create a "Welcome to New York"

guide for the Guidance Department.  It will be created with Powerpoint, and

will be used to introduce new E.S.L. students to programs available in New York.


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Introduction   Task   Process & Resources   Evaluation   Conclusion



The evaluation of your work will be based upon two checklists.  The first will

focus on the way your members work as a group.  The second will focus on the

helpfulness of your presentation.


usaf.wmf (6486 bytes)    Group Work Checklist

 usaf.jpg (15074 bytes)   Presentation Checklist


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Introduction   Task   Process & Resources   Evaluation   Conclusion



As  result of this project, you should have a wealth of helpful information

regarding health, education, employment, immigration and meaningful sites

worth seeing in New York.  Make sure you share this information with your

friends and peers so that they too will feel . . .


Welcome in New York!


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