Sung-Hyuk Cha was born and grew up in
Korea and
received his Ph.D. in Computer
Science from State University of New York at
Buffalo in 2001 and B.S. and M.S. degrees in
Computer Science from
Rutgers, the State University of
New Jersey in 1994 and 1996, respectively. During his
undergraduate years, he became a member of Phi Beta Kappa and
Golden Key National Honor Society. He graduated with High
Honors and received High Honors in Computer Science.
During his Master's years, he developed "Fast Image Template and
Dictionary Matching Algorithms" under guidance of
Prof. Martin Farach.
From 1996 to 1998, he was working in the area of medical information
systems such as PACS, teleradiology, and telemedicine at Information
Technology R&D Center,
Samsung SDS.
During his PhD years, he was affiliated with the
Center of Excellence for
Document Analysis and Recognition (CEDAR). Major
contribution made at CEDAR includes dichotomy model to establish the
individuality of
handwriting, distance measures on histograms
and strings, a nearest neighbor search algorithm, apriori
algorithm, etc. supervised by
Prof. Sargur
N. Srihari.
He has been a faculty member of Computer Science department at Pace University since 2001.
His main interests include computer vision, data mining, pattern matching & recognition.
He is a member of AAAI, IEEE and its Computer Society and IS&T.

- [09:2013~] Promoted to Professor at Pace university
- [04:2009] NY State Public Service Workshop on "Data Mining" at
Midtown campus, Pace univ.
- [03:2009] an invited talk on Data Mining at the Teaneck Campus,
Fairleigh Dickinson University.
"Toward Unification of All Distance Measures between Distributions"
- [06:2008] Workshop on "Matlab" at Graduate Center, Pace univ.
- [09:2007~08:2013] Associate Professor at Pace university
- [02:2006] 5th Westchester-Rockland Junior Science and Humanities
Symposium, Purchase, NY,
served as a judge
- [05:2005] CSIS Faculty Marshal at the Graduate Commencement Ceremonies in
- [04:2005] CSAM Seminar in Computer Science, "Biometric Authentication:
Is it
Science?" at Montclair State
- [01:2005] Tutorial on Pattern
Recognition in Matlab, White Plains, NY
- [12:2004] CSIS Faculty
Research Day, NY, talk on "Handwriting Style Analysis"
- [08:2004] Pyro Workshop, Bryn Mawr College, PA
- [05:2004] The 14 th KSEA Northeast Regional Conference (NRC),
presentation on "Computational Angiogenesis"
- [04:2004] Center for
Community Outreach, received Faculty Leadership Award
- [02:2004] Pace University Presidential Symposium, presentation
"Emerging Computer Applications to Multidisciplinary Security Issues"
- [01:2004~] Consultant to New York Institute of Bioengineering and
Health Science
- [12:2003] CSIS Faculty
Research Day, WP, talk on "Computer Vision Techniques for Security"
- [11:2003] CIRCUIT
Research Seminar on "Artificial Intelligence & Pattern
Recognition", PLV
- [05:2003] CSIS Research
Day, NYC, talk on "Iconic Reporting System"
- [04:2003] Center for
Community Outreach, received Faculty Leadership Award
- [03:2003] 2nd Westchester-Rockland Junior Science and Humanities Symposium 2003, Purchase, NY,
served as a judge
- [01:2003] ECSE, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
Troy, NY, Seminar on "Use of Distance Measures in Pattern Recognition"
- [10:2002] CENPARMI, Concordia,
Montreal, Canada, Seminar on "Biometrics"
- [08:2002] 8th IWFHR,
Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada
- [06:2002] KAIST AIPR lab,
Taejon, Korea, Seminar on "Distance Measures"
- [05:2002] CSIS Research
Day, Midtown center, NYC, talk on "Biometric Authentication"
- [03:2002] CAM Research
Day, Chemists Club, NYC, talk on "Image Indexing"
- [09:2001~08:2007] Assistant Professor at Pace university
- [05:2001] CSE Departmental Commencement Ceremony
- [05:2001] Graduate
School Commencement Ceremony
- [03:2001] Dissertation Defense,
CEDAR Conference Rm.
- [02:2001] 14th annual departmental graduate conference
- [09~12:2000] Teaching
Assistant for Machine Learning at UB
- [07:2000] 17th AAAI, Austin, Texas.
- [06:2000] CEDAR Colloquium talk
- [06:2000] The QD review panel meeting at NIJ, Washington DC
- [04:2000]
Sigma Xi Annual Student Research Competition: 2000
- [04:2000] Dissertation Proposal Defense, CEDAR Conference Rm.
- [04:1999]
Sigma Xi Annual Student Research Competition: 1999
- [01:1999] Wins National Institute of Justice Research Award:
1999-IJ-CX-K010, $428,000
- [09:1998~05:2001] PhD Graduate Work at
CSE department
- [06:1998~06:2001] Graduate Research Assistant at
- [08:1997~03:1998] Contractor of TeleMedicine for Seoul
National University Hospital
- [08:1996~07:1997]
PACS & Teleradiology development
- [08:1996~04:1998] Assistant Engineer
at Information
Technology R&D Center,
Samsung SDS.
- [09:1995~05:1996] Part-time lecturer at Department of Computer Science
- [09:1994~10:1996] MS Graduate Work in
Computer Science at
Rutgers, the State University of
New Jersey
- [01:1992~05:1994] BS undergraduate Work in Computer Science at Rutgers, the State University of New
- [01:1991~12:1991] undergraduate Work in Computer Science at Grove City College, PA
- [03:1986~02:1989] Youngdong High School, Seoul, Korea
- [03:1983~02:1986] Kujung Middle School, Seoul, Korea
- [03:1977~02:1983] Kyungbok Elementary School, Seoul, Korea
- [12:1970] Born in Seoul Korea