Computer Science 121 Syllabus
for Fall 2002
Dr. Carol E. Wolf Office
163 William St. 221
Website: E-mail:
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1:30-3:30,
Wednesdays 1-2
Text: Lewis, John and William Loftus, Java Software Solutions, Addison-Wesley,
2nd edition, 2000..
Assignment 1 People City Temps
Identifier Exercises Printing Exercises
Circles Squares Figures with Areas
Body Mass Index Body Mass Index with a Reader Class
Body Mass Index with a StringTokenizer
Assignment 7 Weather Example that reads from a file
Weather Example with StreamTokenizer
Assignment 8 Draw Triangle Example
Shapes Example Abstract Shape Example
Weeks |
Date |
Topic |
1 |
Sep. 5 |
Introduction, simulator, object-oriented
design. |
Sep. 10 |
Chapter 1: Introduction to Java and JCreator,
applications |
2 |
Sep 12, 17 |
2: Strings, assignments, expressions, input/output Applets,
graphics, colors and shapes. |
3 |
Sep 19, 24 |
Chapter 3: If-else and switch statements |
4 |
Sep 26, Oct 1 |
Chapter 3: For and while statements |
5 |
Oct. 3 |
Exam |
6 |
Oct. 8, 10 |
Chapter 4: Classes, methods and parameters,
object relationships |
6 |
Oct. 15 |
Chapter 4: String Tokenizer |
7 |
Oct 17, 22 |
Chapter 5: References, interfaces, events and
listeners. |
9 |
Oct 24, 29 |
Chapter 6: Arrays of integers, doubles, Strings |
9 |
Oct. 31, Nov 5 |
Chapter 6: Two-dimensional arrays Chapter 8: Reading from files |
10 |
Nov. 7 |
11 |
Nov 14 |
Exam |
11 |
Nov 19 |
12 |
Nov 21, 26 |
Chapter 7: Inheritance and polymorphism |
13 |
Dec 3, 5 |
Chapter 8: Exceptions Review |
Dec. 19, 10:55-12:35 |
Final Exam |
Each exam will count 100 points including the
final. Programs are to be worked on the
computer. They will be worth between 5
and 15 points each. All points earned
either from programs or exams will be totaled and averaged. Final grading will be based on this course
average. Late homework will be accepted
without penalty for one week. After that
grades will be reduced. All programs
must be completed by December 5.
Students with missing homework will receive incomplete grades. Attendance is required. Over 3 unexcused absences will result in a
reduction in grade for the semester.