International Conference on Smart Computing and Communication (SmartCom 2016)
Dec. 17th-19th, 2016, Shenzhen, China, Shenzhen University
You may download SmartCom 2016 proceedings via the following links:[Server in USA] [Server in China]
Password: smartcom2016
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Program (draft) is available.Location: Shenzhen University Computer Science College main building
中国广东省深圳市南山区, 深圳大学南校区,计算机楼(基础实验一期),计算机与软件学院
Registration: Room 938
Presentation Rooms:
- Room A: Room 938
- Room B: Room 623
- Room C: Room 624
Banquet will be held at Novotel Bauhinia Shenzhen on December 18th, 2016. Address: 2002 Qiaocheng E Rd, Futian Qu, Shenzhen Shi, Guangdong Sheng, China, 518040.