WD6: Personal Resume Site
Submission Requirements:
- -2pts for every day late, later than 3 days results in zero
- Submit your webpabe.pace.edu URL to Blackboard as a text submission to indicate your site is posted to the web and ready for grading.
- DO NOT Submit your HTML & CSS files to Blackboard
- Do Not include your real street address or phone number
- Site must be posted to your primary webspace directory
- webpage.pace.edu/yourPaceID/
- See the Launching Your Site video below to get started
- Nav Panel: Both html files should have the same navigation panel that links to the other pages & your group project site
- 3 Required Files:
- stylesheet.css - Should be of your own creation/design and used by both html files
- Stylesheet must include background colors, text colors using classes
- resume.html - Resume page that includes the following:
- Head shot image
- At least 1 MailTo link
- Standard resume sections containing paragraphs and unordered lists:
- Objective
- Skills
- Experience
- Education
- Extra Curricular Activities
Click here for example resume content
- inspiration.html - Describe your dream career, future goals, place you'd like to visit, etc.
- Visit each of the following sites to ensure they are working
- webpage.pace.edu/yourPaceID/resume.html
- webpage.pace.edu/yourPaceID/inspiration.html
- You will not receive credit if your files are not posted to the web and available at the urls above.
- Submit your webpabe.pace.edu URL to Blackboard as a text submission to indicate your site is posted to the web and ready for grading.