CS865 – Distributed Software Development

Socket Assignment



Complete the following assignment and email the report to fmarchese@pace.edu


Write a two page executive summary of one of the following papers. The document should be two pages, single-spaced, with 1” margins, and saved in RTF format. The paper’s main heading should contain your name, date, and email address. The paper’s subheading should contain the paper’s full reference.


The report should summarize the paper and give an analysis of how, where, and why this technology may or may not be useful within your department or organization.



Publish/subscribe systems (Eugster et al., 2003)


Overlay networks (Lua et al. 2005),  (Androutsellis-Theotokis and Spinellis 2004)

Aspect-oriented software development (Kiczales et al. 1997)

Adaptive software for middleware (McKinley et al. 2004):


Autonomic computing (Kephart, 2003)


Feedback control (Diao et al., 2005)